Sunday, December 20, 2009


  1. Lunch outing with work colleagues to the new, flagship Chipotle up a couple blocks from us.
  2. Pretty light work day overall (excellent for all of us getting by on 6 hours of sleep or so).
  3. Bought movie passes from work and got the last 2 Gold (good for new releases) tickets they had.
  4. Excellent time at the Kevin Pollak show at Comix with Dan, my mom, and my sister, particularly with the Canadian opener, Steve Patterson.
  5. Wasn't too difficult to fulfill the 2-drink minimum at said show, I got a delicious hot chocolate and some mint tea.
  6. Finished The Girl Who Played With Fire. It's a shame he didn't get the chance to write more novels. Now to get the last one, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.


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