Thursday, June 10, 2010


  1. Dan calling PSEG and reaching a woman who offered up the suggestion our taking over the electric bill early, in order to have someone go over to the new apartment today to turn the electricity back on. Thank you, PSEG woman!!!
  2. Perfectly cooking a trio of chive pockets for possibly the first time (meaning none of them stuck and tore open, as usually at least one does).
  3. Going over to our new apartment and finding that they had someone in there freshening up the paint in all the walls (and a nice warm off-white color too that I think I actually like, not just soul-deadening institutional white) and that the electricity hadn't been turned off yet after all.
  4. Taking a delicious little nap and waking up with plenty of the afternoon left still to start drawing floor plans of the new apartment.
  5. Dan agreeing to buy me one last little carton of Tropicana OJ...I was getting so thirsty with just boring water to drink.
  6. Dan making a dinner of pasta with TJ's meatballs and tomato sauce he had around, plus spinach I asked him to go out and get in addition to the OJ.


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