Friday, December 31, 2010


  1. Still getting an avocado on bagel for breakfast despite arriving at 9:40 because the cafe workers were a bit slower in putting things away and pulled out the dish of avocado for themselves as well.
  2. Quiet day at work.
  3. Lunch with ES and EM discussing favorite childhood books and going over the Newberry Medal winners list afterwards.
  4. Long-awaited hour-long massage with Maurice. Excellent.
  5. Dropping by the library to return some books and reading bits of Flowers in the Attic and picking up a compilation of the entire Dark is Rising series.
  6. Getting my Droid back as my phone!! Went to the Verizon store to switch my number back to the Droid from the awful Moto-Q with its water damage spot.
A year ago today.


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