Tuesday, February 15, 2011


  1. Reading A Very Long Engagement while lingering over breakfast.
  2. Efficient doctor's visit and learning that Gardasil is covered by my insurance.
  3. RL joining EN and me for CrossFit and being really, really cool about it. When you have worked out with your boss' boss' boss' boss' boss? Yeah, thought so!
  4. Completing my last on-ramp class at the CrossFit in Brooklyn and feeling really good after finishing at least one of the two workouts within the 5 minute window. Also, someone telling me that my form for the kettle bell swing was really good.
  5. Finally tasting the Momofuku pork buns! I'm fan, though I think it is a bit on the expensive side for what you're getting.
  6. Watching Extras with EN and both cringing at the awkwardness portrayed.
A year ago today.


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