Tuesday, April 24, 2012


  1. Wearing my new J.Crew chambray button-down shirt that actually fits with black skinny jeans and brown boots over those jeans. A classic outfit for many and yet took a long time to find items that would fit me for that style.
  2. Delicious flatbreads with ramps at lunch and this weird-sounding pea cream sauce tasting amazing spread over broccoli.
  3. Lots of laughing in our weekly core meeting, some of the meetings end up like that for whatever reason.
  4. Leftover turkey burgers with sun-dried tomato aioli on a bed of spinach and a sliced up bell pepper. I'm just going to keep making this meal over and over again until I get tired of it, I think.
  5. Finishing watching Once Upon a Time while doing a bit more hand-sewing.
  6. Going to bed relatively early to catch up on sleep.
A year ago today.


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