Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  1. Weather has cooled down to the point where it was almost...cold this morning. Nice change from hot and humid.
  2. Getting to work in time for breakfast.
  3. Sushi for lunch.
  4. FedEx guy leaving his number on the door tag and coming back after I called him since he was still in Hoboken to deliver my package (shiny new Cuisinart stock pot)! So nice of him.
  5. Fastest 5K yet!! 36:28, though the incline on the treadmill was at 0 instead of 0.5.
  6. Cooking up and canning a batch of peach butter! A lot of the lids had an audible popping sound indicating that they had sealed right after I lifted them out of the stock pot. 
A year ago today.


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