Tuesday, September 22, 2015


  1. Calling the Madewell store in the morning to see which things I might be able to try on in their store rather than ordering online as part of a sale buy.
  2. Walking over to Madewell with KY to return some stuff.
  3. Stopping by Target to check out some of their new home decor stuff and by Nordstrom and J.Crew to return stuff.
  4. Finding a way to strap all the boxes, as well as this week's regular CSA, to return to Full Cellar Farm at their pickup point.
  5. Fitting all the tomatillos and hot peppers onto my pannier bags so I could leave the box for those there as well.
  6. Taking the night off and fitting the tomatillos/hot peppers into the fridge to deal with later.
A year ago today.


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