- Bunk 'n' Bailey's with happyplace folks.
- Sunny afternoon.
- Getting notice of a promotion and raise.
- Grabbing some leftover snacks on 27 before walking over to the theater.
- Seeing Ali Wong perform live!!! Kevin Camia as the opening act was good too.
- Thinking to try out Hat Yai for dinner.
Friday, March 31, 2017
- Deciding to work from home for the day, for no particular reason.
- Fixing up some code from yesterday.
- Knowing more Rails-stuff than I had expected to.
- Making scrambled eggs with Los Gorditos orange sauce on toast.
- Going to gymnastics class.
- Doing some more travel booking for the Europe trip.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
- Friendly pairing session.
- Dan giving me a ride to the office.
- Coffee chat with JM.
- Getting the flight I wanted from EWR.
- Sitting around with my team to make decisions on how we want to get around a bug.
- Big Gap order arriving with multiple pairs of acceptable, comfortable pants.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
- Biking to acupuncture and making it there on time.
- Bike not being stolen and keys placed on a stoop after I'd dropped them on my way in acupuncture! Very lucky!!
- Getting a sandwich and cherry tart from Grand Central Bakery on my way in.
- Avoiding the rain while biking in the morning.
- Dinner with LC and her husband at Shigezo.
- Getting a ride home from Dan to avoid the drizzle.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
- Reducing anxiety by talking through potential timelines and getting on the same page together.
- Dan giving me a ride in to work.
- ZK keeping me company during lunch.
- Not having difficulty finding a nearby conference room for a meeting.
- Chai concentrate on tap when I wanted some.
- Other people being equally or more annoyed than I am.
- Still getting brunch with ZK/EA/AH even if the soup dumpling place was doing something unexpected.
- Walking over to Tea Bar for a bubble tea.
- Housekeeping service's visit.
- Finally getting to doing all the flight research needed.
- Reaching MB over the phone for a quick question even though it was a bit late for her.
- Hearing back from London in time to snag the United itinerary I wanted for returning from Europe.
social event,
- Falling back asleep several times in the morning.
- Playing Sporcle quizzes with Dan.
- Remembering a scheduled phone call and running upstairs just in time to pick it up from ringing.
- Rousing myself up off the couch in time to do the kitchen cleaning Dan had requested before church.
- Watching random movies (Basic Instinct) and TV shows (Reign) on Netflix.
- Dan's roasted chicken thighs coming out nicely with the rub.
- Demo meeting ending earlier than usual to have time to get some support work in.
- Finding a Lyft extremely nearby to still make it downtown on time.
- Salmon hash at Mother's for lunch tasting delicious.
- Getting the pear and blueberry sorbets for dessert (and refraining from finishing all of it).
- Figuring out how to keep it short at AG's goodbye party.
- Dan giving me a ride home.
Friday, March 24, 2017
- Really good kale salad and hot sauce for the fried chicken at team lunch.
- A support ticket getting resolved via a screenshare so that I didn't need to continue trying to reproduce.
- Figuring out a quick way to set up experiments for a different support ticket.
- Biking over to the gym.
- Dan giving me a ride to go pick up Whole Bowl for dinner.
- Not needing to stay up late to finish my evening task.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
- Running and catching the 9:15ish bus.
- Realizing I needed my phone in time not to miss calls.
- Insightful comments from our SVP of engineering at a lunch put on by the people of color affinity group.
- Remaining sandwich lunch bag being acceptable (tuna salad).
- Biking home in the golden hour.
- Dan picking up a paneer cheese kati roll for me.
- Sunny and warm afternoon!
- Making it onto the exact bus that I needed to get to the appointment early.
- Trying out acupuncture for the first time.
- Making scrambled eggs on toast with some Los Gorditos orange sauce poured on top.
- Making it to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks.
- Dan picking up takeout for me.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
- Getting a ham and cheese croissant muffin and cherry tart from Grand Central Bakery for breakfast.
- Checking off "find a pediatrician" on the to-do list.
- Dan giving me a ride home from work.
- Watching Jeopardy.
- Filing our taxes.
- Perfectly ripe mango.
Monday, March 20, 2017
- Sleeping better than in the previous week.
- Trying out the soup dumplings at XLB and rather enjoying them!
- Sunny day out.
- Using the workstation at home and getting notes/emails written out.
- Catching up with CC.
- Snagging a Snoogle off craigslist for $30.
- Going to prenatal yoga with KH.
- Lunch at the Whole Bowl tasting delicious.
- Picking up fresh fruit, solid perfume, and a Ruby Jewel ice cream sandwich.
- Getting enormous laundry loads done.
- Dan picking up chicken pot pie for me for dinner.
- Watching Return of the Jedi.
- Getting some interesting outreach messages.
- Ladies lunch for reassurances from KL and ZK.
- Enjoying and keeping down the half pork schnitzelwich.
- Extremely lucky timing on buses home to get to massage 20 min early, despite leaving the office later than I had intended.
- Massage despite cough and drippy nose.
- Enjoying leftover remains of burrito from yesterday.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
- Being able to have a forthright conversation.
- Picking up a burrito with lots of orange sauce from Los Gorditos.
- Leading by two points at trivia before going into the final round.
- Dan coming to give me a ride home.
- Dan making me lemon honey tea with fancily bartender-style slices of lemon.
- Feeling pretty pleased with the object design solution I came up with, simpler than I'd originally conceived.
- Lunch with other pregnant/recently pregnant/moms at work.
- Picking up Hawaiian Grill cart's bibimbap for a late lunch.
- Working on a technical exercise.
- Getting the salmon with bibimbap from Kim Jong Smokehouse.
- Dan giving me a ride home.
- Watching this week's new episode of The Americans in bed.
social event,
- Matzo ball soup in the morning settling my stomach a bit.
- Good talk on deep learning.
- Feeling better after lying down for a bit.
- Finding a vegetarian version of the awesome turkey avocado sandwich from Oasis Cafe still.
- Not getting an allergic reaction this time from bleaching my hair.
- Hair color back to vibrant reds/orange/pink!
- Bringing an umbrella with me out of the house.
- PB reminding me of wanting to go see the dance choreographer documentary.
- Getting a Bowl of the Gods from Kure for lunch, soothing my sore throat.
- Picking up two latkes from Kenny & Zuke's for dinner.
- Dan giving me a ride from Living Room Theater.
- Going to bed early.
- Re-reading Shadow of the Giant.
- Showering and going for a walk with Dan to leave the house once over the weekend.
- Getting a bubble tea from Tea Bar at a better level of sweetness.
- Trying out a slice of pizza from the place next door.
- Lovely light out until pretty late. Yay Daylight Saving Time!
- Finding other Ender books available from the library as ebooks.
- Spending most of the day napping.
- Watching the archived livestream footage from the litter of four kittens at Kitten Academy being born.
- Dan going out to pick up my library books for me.
- Reading through the Grisha trilogy.
- Dan making matzo ball soup.
- Watching The Empire Strikes Back and realizing just how many quotable lines are in it.
- Catching up with EB.
- Making a Sephora run with AB and CJ.
- Picking up a half pork schnitzelwich for lunch.
- Making it to Feelings Friday.
- Dan picking up chicken pot pie for me again.
- Eating half the pot pie serving feeling just right.
- Sleeping better than the night before.
- Good bus timing in the morning.
- Getting to updating my resume.
- Getting chicken pot pie for dinner from Random Choice.
- Watching YouTube videos on concealer.
- Going to bed early.
- Talking to helpful people.
- Combining grabbing lunch at Bollywood Theater and picking up the Rose City Yarn Crawl notions bag from the yarn shop on Alberta.
- Saving half of the kati roll for dinner.
- Calling and talking to my mom and sister.
- Reading the sequel to Six of Crows in bed.
- The Americans returns!
- Getting a ride to the office from KS.
- Finally getting around to picking up a book from Powell's.
- Getting a burger from Little Big Burger for dinner.
- Strangers coming by to validate what happened and check that I was ok.
- Enjoying the variety of stories and entries at the Pop-Up Magazine show.
- Reading Six of Crows.
- Technical Book Club meeting to finish the last chapter of the 99 Bottles of OOP book.
- Going over trees and graphs.
- Not getting too drenched while getting over to ChildRoots.
- Moving quickly to stem the sudden nosebleed I got.
- KS having gotten me some donuts.
- Getting family updates.
Monday, March 6, 2017
- ZK stopping by to hang out.
- Going through all the recipes in Made In India and The Grand Central Bakery Book.
- Catching up with EN.
- Making the creamy chicken and fig curry.
- Reorganizing the spice drawer and refilling some jars.
- Mixing up a batch of masala chai spice.
- Getting to do bench press at the gym.
- Deciding to skip dance classes for the day.
- Taking a nap in the afternoon.
- Dan's sweet potato and chicken stew coming out really well.
- Finding one last frozen biscuit for me to have with the stew.
- Watching Arrival and really enjoying the adaptation.
- Wearing a t-shirt dress to be really comfortable all day.
- Making it to my dental appointment a couple minutes early with biking, despite waking up late.
- The half-schnitzelwich being a perfect amount of food and delicious.
- Lunch with ZK and KL.
- Productive and engaging pairing to fix broken tests.
- Getting a ride home from Dan.
- Getting to the Chinese daycare early even with leaving a bit late.
- Dan giving me a ride to work.
- Both of us realizing I'd left the bag of gym clothes in the car.
- Finding an empty phone room on 5 to use.
- Managing biking over to the gym ok.
- Dan going out and picking up yet another paneer cheese kati roll for me.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
- Comfortable outfit of long red sweater with black ponte pants and chambray Vans.
- Surviving the bike ride in.
- Getting lunch at E-San with SE and ZK.
- Making it onto the #6 despite overshooting the stop.
- Finally getting to doing the bills for the last couple months.
- Sorting through and organizing the various piles of cards.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
- Not being affected directly much by the AWS outage.
- Scavenging falafel leftover from a catered lunch.
- Biking for the first time in a few months.
- New handstand practice exercise that allowed me to get at least one leg touching the wall.
- Figuring out a way to stretch my lower back more easily with straps instead of stepping on my hands.
- Finishing up my title tracking spreadsheet.
- Getting a bunch of phone calls done before the team meeting.
- Picking up bibimbap for lunch, with extra vegetables since they ran out of kimchi.
- More in-sync performance review.
- Doing some practice problems.
- Dan heating up the Sunday sauce and pasta for dinner.
- Making a spreadsheet to start figuring out which accounts should have which purpose.
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