Sunday, September 30, 2018


  1. Quiet morning to myself while Dan and Nico went to mass.
  2. Not much struggle for the morning nap.
  3. Not needing to cook with all the food my mom brought over.
  4. Taking Nico to the park with my mom.
  5. Dan unloading the dishwasher while we were out.
  6. Taking a nap myself after getting back.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting the chicken thighs in the Instant Pot before heading out.
  2. Really enjoying the yoga class! Good stretching and slightly challenging but not too much.
  3. Taking an early afternoon nap myself.
  4. Lovely weather outside.
  5. Meeting up with BBL & family.
  6. Dan making good time getting home so that dinner wasn't too late.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


  1. Having my breakfast before needing to go hang out with Nico.
  2. Going to the gym to walk on the treadmill while listening to a webinar.
  3. Nico falling asleep in his crib for the second nap.
  4. Getting most of the charts assembled.
  5. Revisiting a house in the desired neighborhood.
  6. Nico giggling up a storm at his joke of offering food to me and then taking it away.
A year ago today.


  1. Having Dan back to not be solely responsible in the morning.
  2. Getting a couple loads of laundry done.
  3. Finally getting around to making a phone call to the pediatrician to figure out our options with finding a new doctor.
  4. KS getting Nico's second nap in the stroller.
  5. Going to the gym for a bit.
  6. Getting dinner prepped in time before Dan and Nico got back.
A year ago today.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


  1. Realizing a problem with the previous metric definitions.
  2. Pairing with MW on trying to figure out how to correctly calculate throughput instead.
  3. Getting helpful answers from the Librato folks.
  4. Quite productive work day overall.
  5. Being able to make fried rice to have for tomorrow with my mother-in-law over in the evening.
  6. One nap day and early bedtime working out, making up for the early morning wakeup.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


  1. Nico eventually calming down enough to go back to sleep for a bit after an early wakeup.
  2. Being able to step away for long enough to prep Nico's breakfast and my own.
  3. Not forgetting the frittata in the oven.
  4. AM eventually succeeding with stroller second nap despite rain outside.
  5. Having ES' help in the evening and being able to cook up a kale side dish.
  6. Pretty tranquil bedtime after nursing.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


  1. Still being able to have breakfast by myself in the morning, before AM arrived.
  2. Nothing urgent going on at work when I wasn't feeling well myself.
  3. Getting a shower in before AM was gone for the day.
  4. Nico playing independently while I read.
  5. Bedtime being pretty easygoing despite the late wakeup from the second nap.
  6. Going to bed early myself.
A year ago today.


  1. Not too difficult to get the first nap.
  2. Relaxing and reading during the downtime.
  3. Checking out a couple open houses.
  4. Making it back in plenty of time before the second nap.
  5. Taking an afternoon nap myself.
  6. Dan taking out all the trash before his trip.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting the first batch of chicken en adobo into the Instant Pot.
  2. Dan giving Nico the chance to fall asleep on his own for the first nap and it actually working out!
  3. Organizing my pantry shelves.
  4. Nico falling asleep in his crib for the second nap as well!
  5. Dan's mom coming over to help out with having VC in our charge.
  6. Evening actually going quite smoothly.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


  1. Making a custom map to get a better sense of the target area.
  2. AM also having trouble with the second nap, so it wasn't just me yesterday.
  3. Nursing at least helping Nico calm down.
  4. Chatting with APG and getting a good sense of what to work on for Monday.
  5. Bedtime going very smoothly.
  6. Reading old Dear Prudence columns.
A year ago today.


  1. Spending some time hanging out with Nico by the pond.
  2. Nico settling back down into the nap after I left the room a little too early but then went back in.
  3. Having some quiet time for my lunch.
  4. Resolving a discussion with Dan.
  5. Taking Nico to the playground.
  6. Nico offering me some Chex from his pre-dinner snack as well.
A year ago today.


  1. Figuring out where I went wrong in actually finishing booking flights.
  2. Talking through metrics with APG.
  3. Succeeding at getting the second nap in the crib, without nursing.
  4. Putting together a Splunk query for the availability SLI.
  5. Dan picking up a bag of onions while he was out.
  6. Having enough rice left for both of us to have ground turkey curry for dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Making basil scrambled eggs to go with grits for breakfast.
  2. Parchment paper even without cooking spray working great for nonstick frittata pieces.
  3. Improvised leftover peanut butter banana muffin in a different baking pan working out pretty well.
  4. Not needing to nurse in the afternoon for the second nap.
  5. Talking things over with MB.
  6. Not going through with an offer that my parents would have disapproved of.
A year ago today.


  1. Catching a mistake on the offer paperwork.
  2. Submitting our first offer on a house!
  3. Not needing to nurse in the afternoon for the second nap.
  4. Getting a response back pretty quickly.
  5. Talking through our house offer strategy with Dan.
  6. Going to bed rather than staying up cooking.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 17, 2018


  1. Getting Nico down for the morning nap not taking too long.
  2. Making it to all 3 open houses as planned.
  3. Nico at least still getting an hour long car nap, even though it started early.
  4. Dan's mom and ES visiting and playing with Nico.
  5. Another good round of sheet pan chicken, this time with potatoes.
  6. Nico finally relaxing in my arms after a really difficult bedtime.
A year ago today.


  1. At least finding that there weren't additional charges I could have stopped after seeing that I missed some alerts from Bank of America.
  2. Finally getting to some personal emails during Nico's first nap.
  3. Remembering to start the rice for lunch.
  4. Getting a massage.
  5. CVS for getting a flu shot being really close to the massage place.
  6. Being able to squeeze in an appointment to see a fixer upper.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


  1. Nico playing independently until AM arrived.
  2. Getting a call from a general contractor willing to give ballpark prices.
  3. Taking care of some admin stuff at work.
  4. House tour appointment confirmed to be able to go take some measurements.
  5. My parents and I being right that the public record on square footage is a bit off.
  6. Making floor plans with the new information.
A year ago today.

Friday, September 14, 2018


  1. Nico playing independently in the morning while I took care of some emails.
  2. Going to look at the public records over lunch with Dan.
  3. Getting all 3 pull requests opened for updates to the careers site.
  4. Nico falling asleep for the second nap in the crib again, without nursing.
  5. Enjoying walking on sidewalks in a neighborhood.
  6. Enjoying the terrorist plot payoff in the Jack Ryan finale.
A year ago today.


  1. Having time to finish my lunch before heading out.
  2. Nico at least falling asleep while nursing.
  3. Chatting with JY.
  4. Ribs turning out really well.
  5. Nico seeming ok in the evening despite the awful phlebotomist.
  6. Getting to chat with CH about house stuff.
A year ago today.


  1. Nico playing independently in the morning until AM arrived.
  2. AM getting here early, so that I had time to pull together photos and videos to send to TP for his opinions.
  3. Having some time after standup to eat my lunch before the next meeting.
  4. Being able to go meet the realtor thanks to my sister-in-law being over.
  5. Not getting home too late after the meeting.
  6. Not getting worked up about Dan throwing out some of the remaining root vegetables that he found too greasy.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


  1. Cobbled together lunch of noodles with lamb meatballs and chickpeas turning out well.
  2. Successfully getting through to the chief zoning officer.
  3. Productive squad meeting.
  4. Nico falling asleep for the second nap without nursing for the second time ever.
  5. Getting 3 deploys out and the PR queue down to just 1 PR!
  6. Getting some exercise in after work.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 10, 2018


  1. Going back to sleep for a bit after Dan and Nico went to mass.
  2. Spending Nico's first nap productively reviewing life insurance paperwork.
  3. Getting the chicken marinated before heading over to an open house.
  4. Taking another nap during Nico's second nap.
  5. Getting dinner ready right on time for 6:30.
  6. Even with the large amount of kitchen cleanup, still had time for an episode of Jeopardy before bathtime.
A year ago today.


  1. No longer unbearably muggy out.
  2. Finally making it to a tour at the Grounds for Sculpture.
  3. Seeing some lotus flowers in bloom.
  4. Dan having made rice for lunch.
  5. Bringing Nico to the playground with my mom.
  6. Taking a short nap in the afternoon.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


  1. Dan vacuuming up all the styrofoam flecks.
  2. Conversation with AM going really well.
  3. Having some spare time after prepping lunch to eat most of it peacefully before the lunchtime webinar.
  4. Having set the dishwasher to run on delay in case I forgot to go back out and start it.
  5. Getting the PR queue down to be more reasonable.
  6. Enough leftovers to cover dinner.
A year ago today.

Friday, September 7, 2018


  1. Efficient home visit from the medical examiner for getting life insurance.
  2. Not getting too overheated in the humidity while hanging out with Nico by the pond.
  3. AM getting Nico to fall asleep for the second nap just while rocking and transferring to the crib without waking up.
  4. Getting a second deploy out so that there won't be as many waiting for Monday.
  5. Assembling the new 3 globe floor lamp from Target.
  6. Watching the Jack Ryan series pilot.
A year ago today.


  1. Dan taking Nico out to pick up groceries in the morning.
  2. Getting dressed for the day just before they got back.
  3. Successfully driving Nico and me over to his appointment with the allergist.
  4. Dan making it to the appointment before the actual tests started, to help with baby wrangling.
  5. Skin allergy tests only picking up egg, clear on shellfish/fish/nuts/peanuts!
  6. Deciding to put the ribs back in the oven for another half hour.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


  1. Suggestions being accepted in a work meeting.
  2. Catching up with MB back from parental leave.
  3. Getting a workout in at the end of the day.
  4. Re-arrangement of his room not disrupting bedtime timing too much.
  5. Taking a shower at the end of the day.
  6. Reading while stretching my lower back.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


  1. Going back to sleep for an hour.
  2. Dan succeeding at getting Nico down for the nap.
  3. Succeeding at having Nico fall asleep in the stroller outside and bringing him back in without waking him up.
  4. Taking care of finance reconciliation early on the in the month.
  5. Nice visit from my mom and sister.
  6. Not staying up too late reading.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 3, 2018


  1. Cooking and cleaning the kitchen while Dan and Nico went to mass.
  2. Nico getting his morning nap at home.
  3. Seller applying an additional 5% discount from the Labor Day sale.
  4. Getting dim sum with my family.
  5. Helping my mom pick out clothes and accessories for attending a wedding.
  6. Watching Nico navigate stairs really smoothly.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting to the house tour appointment on time.
  2. Having some down time in the afternoon.
  3. Marinating chicken for tomorrow's dinner and making chicken en adobo in the Instant Pot while Dan's mom was visiting.
  4. Dan realizing that Nico couldn't fall asleep because he was too warm in the car seat with pants on.
  5. Everyone being very friendly at Dan's dad's barbecue.
  6. Bedtime routine going smoothly even with the outing.
A year ago today.