Sunday, March 28, 2010


  1. Getting RT's help to finish up a weird In-Stream related question (kind of).
  2. Somewhat hilariously scattered team meeting (EF predicted going in that it would last 10 minutes...we left after 50).
  3. Catching up with SH, who I haven't seen since leaving Boston.
  4. Making my way to downtown Palo Alto and having a great time at Empire Vintage Clothing with the owner, Tiffany, pretty much pulling everything that could possibly work for me. I bought a lot, a lot of stuff. 2 heavy kitchen garbage bags worth.
  5. Managing to bike back from the MTV Caltrain with a garbage bag of stuff on each handlebar and get through the drizzle quickly.
  6. Trying everything I've bought while here on again to separate into no need to alter, need to alter but will attempt myself (mostly just shortening), and need to get altered professionally. Again, so much stuff that this took over an hour, haha.


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