Tuesday, March 16, 2010


  1. Managing to get to the office by 9:30!
  2. The voicemail that I picked up during my phone shift turning out to have resolved itself in the half hour since it was left, so ended up with no extra work there.
  3. Another book on my hold list being ready for me at the library, I was expecting only one but walked away with two.
  4. Made quinoa with an egg steamed in the same pot as the quinoa for dinner, inspired by not martha. I sprinkled a little salt and olive oil over the egg and it really was quite tasty. I forget that I really do quite like quinoa.
  5. Read I, Robot.
  6. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would to write up the speaking notes for my presentation, once I actually got into working on it.


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