Sunday, March 14, 2010


  1. Going to the gym in the morning after not having gone for several weeks.
  2. An All-Hands meeting ending early so that I could get lunch with AJ & co.
  3. Remembering at the end of the day to close out a ticket that wasn't going anywhere--I often forget until the day after, which just draws out the time until resolution in my metrics for no good reason.
  4. Getting over to the optician with plenty of time before they closed for the evening to get my new glasses adjusted. The guys there are so nice, I really should write them a positive review on Yelp.
  5. Getting my eyebrows threaded at Unique Threading's 23rd St. location for the first time and really impressed by this particular threader: she noticed of her own accord that my right eyebrow looks thicker and higher than my left and adjusted accordingly. Starred her name in my frequent threader card to remember to get her again.
  6. Watching Annie Hall with Dan and making fun of how some of Woody Allen's neuroses sound really familiar...


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