Saturday, November 6, 2010


  1. Going to my last sync meeting.
  2. Going to a talk by the guy from, who's running 52 marathons in 52 weeks and is on his 45th with the NYC marathon this weekend, and leaving feeling inspired. Just gotta love Australians with their down-to-earthness and self-deprecasting, dry sense of humor.
  3. Going the tailor with Dan's custom suit and learning that they should be able to lengthen sufficiently without too much of a problem and that the measurements overall are fine, there are just construction issues with the jacket.
  4. SP stepping up as always and helping me and EM out.
  5. Finishing reading Before I Fall and really loving its bittersweet love story.
  6. Dan coming home and helping me fall asleep by reading from Guns, Germs, and Steel. Isn't it weird when you know you're dead tired but still just can't fall asleep?


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