Wednesday, November 17, 2010


  1. Discovering waffle machines at breakfast today, with plenty of topping options. Waffles!
  2. Comporting myself pretty well during some feedback sessions, after the practice I've had at it over the last few weeks.
  3. Having a really good conversation with EM at lunch about health and the obesity epidemic and inviting myself to her Crossfit gym as a guest in a couple weeks.
  4. Reading through my peer reviews and feeling very appreciative of the feedback that people had taken the time to write, both strengths and areas for development.
  5. Having a pretty good time at the happy hour, with my fancy girly cocktail paid for.
  6. Thinking about different things on the walk home but a large percentage of that being really loving my Duo Bern boots.
A year ago today (happy 1 year, little blog!)


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