Thursday, August 5, 2010


  1. Coming in from the heat to make lunch, which turned out ok, actually. The grated squash plus peanuts were a hit, the kale didn't suck (need to cook a long time to cook down toughness, and went well with nutmeg and paprika), and people at least tried the watermelon-cucumber-basil gazpacho (tastes exactly how it sounds).
  2. Watching Daria for the first time in the cool air of the garage.
  3. The Kit Kat bar I picked up at Shop Rite really hitting the spot.
  4. Caroline taking us to the local swimming hole, which has a normal pool for the kiddies but also a really lovely swimming quarry. I guess it was a rock quarry that filled with water? Trees all around, green water.
  5. Sketching in the scene with a felt tip marker and making use of the fact that it bleeds by adding water to do semi watercolors on the last sketch.
  6. Egg salad sandwiches and a pear for dinner. I'm not allergic to fresh pears (unlike apples), hooray.


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