Monday, June 20, 2011


  1. Waking up rather early after sleeping through the night, to have some time to myself jotting down thoughts about the wedding to be blogged later on.
  2. Getting everyone who was still at the Marriott together for brunch at a diner and having some time to talk to and hang out with MS, DC, LW, and AL in particular.
  3. Going to my parents' to pick up our gifts after Mama G brought everything over there last night and talking to my mom and family friends who were over.
  4. Apologizing to my mom for being a bit rude to her friends at the wedding yesterday in being reluctant to take more group photos.
  5. Vacuuming the apartment and throwing out a bunch of boxes and gift bags.
  6. Shortening the amount of research for the honeymoon through getting a good list of Vancouver tips from PB and deciding on a few walkable items in Seattle.
A year ago today.


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