Tuesday, December 6, 2011


  1. My favorite breakfast: yellow scrambled eggs, avocados, potato pancakes, and re-read Sunshine some more. Saved some of it and had it for lunch later too!
  2. Getting really nice feedback from my colleagues about my tone on a client call I jumped on--good to know those client-facing skills aren't getting rusty.
  3. Really liking one of the pairs of short boots I got on a whim from Zappos.
  4. Getting reassurance from my manager that I'm not digging myself into a negative personal brand thing.
  5. Having a good time at the cooking lesson offsite with the team, which included a really tall alcohol fire--fortunately no one was hurt.
  6. Making donations to the NYPL and the NJ Food Bank and getting them match by both the company and my boss' boss.
A year ago today.


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