Thursday, February 18, 2016


  1. Discovering that our Amazon Prime membership would get me access to previous seasons of Downton Abbey.
  2. Organizing the buildup of papers and mail.
  3. Clearing out my email.
  4. Giving Dan a break from all the British TV by watching Seinfeld.
  5. Remembering that we were doing a team lunch the next day so I didn't have to pack food together.
  6. Skipping an evening walk to go to bed earlier.
A year ago today.


  1. Working my socks into to the main pattern portion.
  2. Getting Dan to go see Pride & Prejudice & Zombies with me.
  3. Only a light drizzle during our walks to the movie theater and back.
  4. Making it in before the end of the previews despite the strangely long line for tickets.
  5. Surprisingly enjoying the movie!
  6. Dan's pork & hominy stew turning out really well.
A year ago today.


  1. Catching up on sleep!
  2. Starting a new knitting project of a pair of socks.
  3. Rewatching my favorite episodes of Sherlock.
  4. Discovering some Sherlock "behind the scenes" specials.
  5. Making a roast chicken and cooking it through more than last time with roasting a chicken of this size.
  6. Not leaving the house all day :)
A year ago today.


  1. Snagging tickets to Springsteen's Portland show!
  2. MW/KS covering a 10:30am meeting I'd forgotten about.
  3. Getting a volunteer for running LunchConf next week.
  4. Psyching myself up to go to the I Will Teach happy hour.
  5. Good appetizers at the happy hour.
  6. Discovering Death Comes to Pemberley on Netflix!
A year ago today.


  1. Returning to stitching lunch.
  2. Leaving some of my pasta salad in the bowl after getting full.
  3. Getting out pretty early from support pairing.
  4. Getting my eyebrows done.
  5. Finishing up the multi-part J.Crew return.
  6. Dan reminding me I could use his laptop for buying Springsteen tickets when I didn't bring my work laptop home.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


  1. Making a bunch of phone calls.
  2. Reading the concurrency models book at lunch.
  3. Getting a smoothie from Kure.
  4. Returning Athleta items to the store.
  5. Finding a vest in my size.
  6. Pasta with fried eggs for dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Sunshine out!
  2. Feeling cute in my black & white abstract print dress.
  3. Getting in my long-awaited spec updates in.
  4. Pasta salad holding up ok.
  5. Biking home.
  6. Pulling together a dinner from roast duck, Dan's risotto, and avocado toast for dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting lunch at Little Big Burger.
  2. Getting ice cream on the coffee walk.
  3. Finding that there had been a backup room booked for book club.
  4. Getting a ride home from Dan.
  5. Skipping the evening walk to go to bed early.
  6. Finishing Locke & Key.
A year ago today.


  1. Blue skies and sunshine and temperatures in the 60s.
  2. Getting dim sum out for JC & family for Chinese New Year.
  3. Picking up groceries at Fubonn.
  4. Walking to the library.
  5. Dan picking me up to get to the volunteering event in time.
  6. Time passing quickly at the community dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Finishing Miss Fisher finally.
  2. Rewatching the best parts of Miss Fisher.
  3. Dan giving me a ride to LU's dumpling party.
  4. Getting there in time to still help out with some dumpling making.
  5. Hanging out with LU and her boyfriend in a corner of the kitchen.
  6. Getting steps in by walking home.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting reindeer sausage for lunch.
  2. Backstreet Boys being played at Feelings Friday.
  3. Jumping on the #8 bus to go to Whole Foods for parsley.
  4. Not getting too wet in my walk home.
  5. Having happyplace folks over for a dinner party!
  6. Having enough food for dinner for everyone.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting a bunch of pull requests open.
  2. Building a simple Android app at the mobile dev workshop.
  3. Dan giving me a ride from the office to New Seasons.
  4. Getting dinner party groceries.
  5. Watching Miss Fisher while making up meatballs.
  6. Prepping salad ingredients ahead of time.
A year ago today.


  1. Lunch at Bailey's with txns.
  2. Grilled cheese and tomato soup hitting the spot for lunch.
  3. Pretty easy template changes for the help center documentation.
  4. Getting dinner at Masu with JG and a couple others.
  5. Dan giving me a ride home.
  6. Going to bed after my evening walk instead of watching more TV.
A year ago today.


  1. Seeing LA at the office.
  2. Finding an answer to BR's question.
  3. Grabbing some pizza from PDX.rb meetup.
  4. Watching season 2 of Miss Fisher.
  5. Getting a #4 bus straightaway, helping fit in a walk while getting home.
  6. Finding snacks in the cabinet.
A year ago today.


  1. The loads of laundry not being that big in the end.
  2. Getting Bibimbap for lunch.
  3. Mailing out the second attempt at an eBay sale.
  4. Figuring out how to record the Bluejeans meeting.
  5. Running an errand to Anthropologie to get more steps in.
  6. Dan giving me a ride home.
A year ago today.