Tuesday, December 31, 2019


  1. Being able to put Mattie back to sleep pretty quickly after nursing.
  2. Recovering with a longer stretch after getting two wakeups overnight.
  3. Being able to give Mattie a bath with Dan during Nico's quiet time, making up for yet another short nap stretch in a row.
  4. Taking a nap when Mattie finally took a longer nap.
  5. Rewatching the Ali Wong comedy specials.
  6. Using the last nap to wash my pump parts.
A year ago today.

Top good things in 2019:
  1. Having Mattie.
  2. Mattie learning how to nurse successfully.
  3. Buying a house.
  4. Moving to a walkable town.
  5. Being near family when Dan had to have surgery.
  6. Getting a promotion at work.


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