Sunday, February 7, 2010


  1. Very leisurely breakfast, with phone shift only starting at 10.
  2. Client being really happy to have had SS on a call with them, and SS not really showing any frustration at answering questions about forecasting. This call relieved my work-related stress a lot.
  3. Going to Chelsea market cafe for shrimp tempura + udon lunch with PD. Got to chat with him about his particular role, he doesn't seem to love it but finds it stimulating and challenging enough.
  4. A box of BBQ eel sushi left to grab for dinner, along with 2 boxes of California rolls.
  5. Javascript class at a good pace where it's ok if I zone out, I can come back in and catch up without too much difficulty.
  6. Getting home before 10, the prof stopped demonstrating right around 9, with the rest of the time set aside for lab, but I just wanted to go home. And I did.


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