Saturday, February 27, 2010


  1. Getting a really detailed email back from AL with her thoughts on potential photographers and reconsidering another APW sponsor in addition to
  2. Excellent, excellent lunch at work today--Judith Jones was visiting to promote her book so they had various dishes from her recipes. Beef bourguignon and then a giant hunk of lamb with cous cous and raisins.
  3. Airing out with MG that my feelings had been hurt by how I found out that she and AM had decided not to move after all, and this airing out not being nearly as awkward as I thought it would be. It was quite nice, actually, she acknowledged it wasn't the best way and apologized and we just moved on to talking about wedding planning stuff instead.
  4. DF not minding that I was grumpy about the managers' request to redo a long impact report for an account manager and actually taking quite a bit of time to brainstorm how to make it easier.
  5. The start of my dressmaking class at Make Studio! Diana is really, really nice and encouraging--she was just always sincere in her comments on everyone's progress.
  6. Watching Kim Yu-Na not only not buckle under the intense pressure she feels, but totally blasting away from all the other competition. Who wins by 20+ points?!?? I cried when I saw her crying at the end, from joy and relief I'm sure. And then again at the medal ceremony, I was so moved.


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