Monday, January 16, 2012


  1. Sleeping in after being up so late the night before.
  2. Finding out my mom bought me another down vest, this one in an apple green color.
  3. Opening a couple windows in time to not set off the smoke alarm while making myself a big breakfast with home fries and chorizo.
  4. Re-organizing and consolidating the pantry resulting in more space and discovering an extra box of baking soda when I thought that we had run out.
  5. Remembering that we have a strainer and using it to strain off the gunk at the surface when making pork stock, which really has an effect! The resulting liquid is mostly a milky color, rather than studded with brown gunk.
  6. Dan driving us (to avoid cold) to an AMC theater (to use various gift cards and such we've had for a long time) to see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and rather enjoying myself, though the more I think about it afterwards the more plot holes I see to poke.
A year ago today.


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