Monday, January 16, 2012


  1. Watching Once Upon a Time and Downton Abbey off the DVR. 
  2. Figuring out how to set a custom white balance and higher exposure on my camera.
  3. Going for a run to get some fresh air and sunshine.
  4. Finding that the drycleaner's that we still have some Groupon credit with was open today, so could drop off a load of towels and sheets.
  5. Crunchy baked pork chops coming out quite well, mostly due to having mustard on hand to make a really sticky egg wash and having proper tongs to grasp the chops with.
  6. Going to barbell class and succeeding at going 50 ft. while carrying 185lb. zurcher! I failed to even pick it up the first couple times so to be able to carry it that difference was awesome.
A year ago today.


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