Tuesday, December 31, 2019


  1. Being able to put Mattie back to sleep pretty quickly after nursing.
  2. Recovering with a longer stretch after getting two wakeups overnight.
  3. Being able to give Mattie a bath with Dan during Nico's quiet time, making up for yet another short nap stretch in a row.
  4. Taking a nap when Mattie finally took a longer nap.
  5. Rewatching the Ali Wong comedy specials.
  6. Using the last nap to wash my pump parts.
A year ago today.

Top good things in 2019:
  1. Having Mattie.
  2. Mattie learning how to nurse successfully.
  3. Buying a house.
  4. Moving to a walkable town.
  5. Being near family when Dan had to have surgery.
  6. Getting a promotion at work.


  1. Having time to play and read Chinese books with Nico while Mattie napped and my mom cooked.
  2. Having red roast duck curry for lunch.
  3. My mom picking up Mattie while I settled Nico for his quiet time.
  4. Dan coming up to get Mattie so I could snooze for a bit longer.
  5. Dan letting me get rid of more books than I expected.
  6. Getting Mattie to go back to sleep for a pre-midnight bedtime.
A year ago today.


  1. Having a quiet morning to myself.
  2. Re-reading the Beka Cooper books.
  3. Dan getting all his cooking done for the day.
  4. Coming up with a quick vegetable side dish to make by sauteing an onion to go with kale and some raisins.
  5. Mattie catching up on sleep with a long stretch in the afternoon.
  6. Lactation consultant judging the past week's weight gain as good enough to cancel the appointment.
A year ago today.


  1. My mom bringing over food, including duck and youtiao. 
  2. Organizing toys and books while everyone was out.
  3. Taking a shower and washing my hair.
  4. Nico successfully napping at Grandma's. 
  5. Getting the first baby giggle! 
  6. Getting a 10:30 bedtime instead of midnight. 
A year ago today.


  1. Going right back to sleep again after the morning feeding and sleeping through Dan putting Mattie back down for the next stretch of sleep.
  2. Nico being more interested in the Luka when I got it to read some of his truck books.
  3. Timing working out to be able to make wontons for Nico's lunch.
  4. Getting a chance to triage the remaining presents with Dan.
  5. BS/LS coming over for a visit.
  6. My mom bringing over food for dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Dan taking over so I could go right back to bed after the morning feeding.
  2. Dan's mom taking Nico out for a walk to the library.
  3. Mattie going back to a longer morning and early afternoon nap schedule.
  4. Feeling better after catching a quick snooze in the late afternoon.
  5. Nico leading me by the hand to go to his room for bedtime book reading.
  6. Finally getting an earlier start to Mattie's night than in the last week.
A year ago today.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


  1. Morning nursing sessions going ok despite mistiming the pumping session a little.
  2. JW and her family visiting.
  3. Nico enjoying unwrapping presents.
  4. Getting to take an afternoon nap after Mattie finally got a longer stretch.
  5. Taking advantage of a surprisingly long evening stretch from Mattie to make fried rice.
  6. Organizing all the gifts a bit.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


  1. Perfect timing for doing a videochat after Dan got back with CH/KH/TH finally.
  2. My mom sending back more dumplings with Dan.
  3. Having enough time to give Mattie a bath before Dan had to head out again.
  4. Finally getting a longer sleep stretch out of Mattie and therefore being able to take a nap myself.
  5. Waking up early enough to get more present wrapping and some organizing done.
  6. Nico settling down for bedtime ok even with the later hour.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


  1. Warm and sunny out, didn't even need a jacket.
  2. Making it to the UPS store with the big boxes.
  3. Making it to the library.
  4. Eventually finishing wrapping all the presents being given out tomorrow.
  5. Having plenty of supply for a giant feed day from Mattie.
  6. Noticing that the stuff in Nico's duffle bag in time to run another load of laundry.
A year ago today.

Monday, December 23, 2019


  1. Actually getting a good amount of sleep myself out of the late morning stretch.
  2. AL coming by to visit.
  3. Having rice with roast duck curry for a late lunch and dinner.
  4. Mattie catching up on sleep from the last few days with longer naps.
  5. Mattie nursing well enough to start cutting down on the number of pumps.
  6. Organizing the boxes in my office and clearing a path.
A year ago today.

Sunday, December 22, 2019


  1. Timing working out perfectly to nurse Mattie before and after my massage appointment.
  2. Mattie successfully nursing from both sides and transferring well!
  3. Getting a massage.
  4. Taking a shower while Dan's mom was here and washing my hair.
  5. My mom taking the remaining roast duck and making it into curry for me.
  6. Actually getting to start and finish the finances review in the same day.
A year ago today.

Saturday, December 21, 2019


  1. Plumbers being available to come over right away in the morning to get the work for today done.
  2. My dad bringing over insulation and also a seafood omelet for me.
  3. Getting hot water back in the kitchen! Without any pipes bursting anywhere too.
  4. Getting the dishwasher back working, thanks to a combo of the electricians and my dad putting the dishwasher back in place.
  5. Mattie sleeping pretty well through the various construction noises.
  6. No banshee-ing during nursing today, even with no bottles at all.
A year ago today.

Friday, December 20, 2019


  1. Talking things out with Dan when he's not trying to get Nico out the door to school on time.
  2. Local businesses taking pity on me and letting me cancel the day's appointments without penalties.
  3. My parents coming over, my mom cooking and my dad helping diagnose our kitchen problems
  4. Plumber being able to come by the same day to help figure out what to do with our frozen kitchen hot water pipe.
  5. Mattie not needing much for the nap that coincided with the plumber's visit so I could get my questions asked.
  6. Catching a quick doze even during an evening 30 minute nap from Mattie.
A year ago today.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


  1. Dan letting me borrow his phone to get through the day.
  2. Getting back to sleep after having gotten up early to get an extra pump in.
  3. Remembering to get the ribs started.
  4. Making a batch of yaki-soba and having it last more than just a couple meals.
  5. Eventually succeeding in having a way to let Dan and Nico go to the mall to pick up my new phone.
  6. Eventually figuring out how to activate my new phone's SIM card correctly.
A year ago today.


  1. Another 8 hour stretch of sleep overnight!
  2. Dan taking care of packing Nico's lunch.
  3. Getting a second long stretch in the morning and being able to take advantage of it with nowhere to go.
  4. Finishing up with the priest and getting home before Mattie was hungry, so was able to nurse.
  5. Mattie getting back to her usual self after yesterday's shots.
  6. Nico's gift out of his school's gift exchange not being another toy but the Little Blue Truck Christmas book, both perfect for him and something that could be kept packed away for most of the year (if he lets me).
A year ago today.


  1. 8 hour stretch of sleep from Mattie.
  2. Pretty quick in and out from the doctor's office.
  3. Mattie waiting until we got home to nurse instead of having to use the bottle.
  4. Spending some time with Nico being delighted by his new toy while Mattie slept and my mom made us dinner.
  5. Mattie taking a big last feed for the night via nursing after all.
  6. Taking a quick shower.
A year ago today.


  1. Nico asking me what various words were in Chinese, like "church" and "backing up."
  2. Remembering that I had told Nico he could have an apple with his bagel when he saw me having one the night before and had asked for some then.
  3. Getting in a nap myself with a surprisingly long late afternoon stretch from Mattie.
  4. My parents stopping by and helping Dan with Nico and dinner.
  5. My dad fixing our squeaky door so that closing the door would no longer wakeup a finally sleeping baby.
  6. Not accidentally coughing smoothie onto the library book.
A year ago today.


  1. Successfully getting Mattie to continue sleeping a longer stretch.
  2. Taking a shower and washing my hair.
  3. Getting a load of my own laundry done.
  4. Mattie continuing to nurse pretty well throughout the day.
  5. RC and VC being understanding about the unexpected meltdown.
  6. Nico not needing to go to urgent care after all.
A year ago today.


  1. Doing the overnight feed with the SNS not taking too much longer overall even with pumping afterwards.
  2. Nico being cool with taking a wrapped present to school for the holiday gift exchange.
  3. Mattie latching without any aids!!!
  4. Mattie continuing to latch without aids, leading to the best day of transferring ever!
  5. Having basil pork from the freezer to give to Nico in lieu of the curry.
  6. Rounding off the evening with a bowl of cereal like Dan.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


  1. Getting the Urban Outfitters tables re-packed up and moved to the garage once I decided I didn't want to keep them.
  2. USPS opening up a window for just package drop-off so I could get out quickly without the slamming door waking up Mattie.
  3. No one else in line at the UPS store, so could also get in and out quickly and quietly.
  4. My mom picking Nico up from school.
  5. My mom bringing over roast duck.
  6. Back to better day of transferring by Mattie.
A year ago today.


  1. Lulling Mattie back to sleep for an extra hour in the early morning.
  2. Getting a solid late morning stretch of sleep myself.
  3. Side tables being available at the local Urban Outfitters store to be placed on hold.
  4. Making it over to the library with Mattie to pick up a couple books.
  5. Dan thinking to ask for help getting the tables to the car, to be able to go pick them up with Nico.
  6. Having dumplings for dinner again.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


  1. Feeling well-rested enough in the morning to stay up for breakfast and messing around on my laptop.
  2. Rain holding off long enough to make it out to the post office with Mattie.
  3. Dan coming up for help me when I nicked Mattie's finger with the nail clipper.
  4. Taking a late afternoon nap again.
  5. My parents and sister stopping by on their way to the airport and hanging out with Nico for a bit.
  6. Having chive/pork/shrimp dumplings for dinner.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


  1. Doing a full reset with washing sheets and showering with washing my hair.
  2. Successfully figuring out how to fold a tetrahedron frame.
  3. Getting in an hour and a half nap with a surprisingly long later stretch from Mattie.
  4. My dad fixing the kitchen drawer for us.
  5. Getting a solid dinner with the curry that my mom brought over.
  6. Having the energy from the nap to clean up and organize the fridge a bit.
A year ago today.

Monday, December 9, 2019


  1. Not taking too long to fall back asleep for the last morning stretch.
  2. Having a pumpkin cupcake with breakfast.
  3. Nico's fever seeming to lift and back to his usual personality.
  4. Taking a nap on the couch in the afternoon myself.
  5. My parents and sister coming over to hang out for a bit.
  6. Making a second batch of dumplings for my dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. EN and MB visiting!
  2. Going out for dim sum.
  3. Taking the chance to run the robovac in Nico's room.
  4. Making it out to a holiday art fair downtown.
  5. Dropping off our contributions to the sponsor family drive.
  6. Being pleased with the new side table from Urban Outfitters that arrived.
A year ago today.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


  1. Getting out for lunch at Olive Press Eatery again.
  2. Mattie getting a longer than usual nap in the stroller, allowing me to finish reading Ali Wong's book.
  3. Making it to return the book to the library and pick up a new book before Mattie wanted to eat again.
  4. Finishing weaving the ends on Nico's new balaclava.
  5. KS and Dan taking Nico to go see the tree lighting downtown.
  6. Best day of transferring so far on nursing.
A year ago today.


  1. Astounding 6 hour stretch of sleep from Mattie.
  2. Dan taking care of both Mattie and Nico in the morning hour because I hadn't been able to go back to sleep yet.
  3. Pumping before she woke up allowed for going out to drop off package at post office.
  4. Starting the Ali Wong book finally.
  5. Amazing chicken sandwich at Olive Press Eatery.
  6. Piecing together just enough yarn to finish casting off Nico's new balaclava.
A year ago today.


  1. Finishing watching the Veronica Mars season.
  2. Turning to Netflix romcoms.
  3. Ribs turning out well.
  4. Nico climbing into his chair for dinner of his own accord.
  5. Sitting at the table with Dan and Nico for dinner.
  6. Having a bit of the remaining basil pork myself after packing enough for Nico's lunch the next day.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting a long morning stretch.
  2. Waking up right before needing to get ready to go out.
  3. Not taking too long before figuring out we need to reschedule the appointment.
  4. Working on knitting Nico's balaclava while watching Veronica Mars.
  5. Making it out to Olive Press Eatery with Mattie.
  6. Mattie falling asleep in the bassinet while we were in the restaurant.
A year ago today.

Monday, December 2, 2019


  1. The Snoo successfully rocking Mattie to sleep for a nap and through a couple transitions.
  2. Getting a long stretch from Mattie in the afternoon to finally catch up on sleep.
  3. Nico and his child-sized snow shovel.
  4. Noticing an additional Madewell discount for Cyber Monday to reorder from yesterday and stack 15% cashback.
  5. Starting the new Veronica Mars season finally.
  6. Making another batch of yakisoba in-between childcare demands.
A year ago today.


  1. Adding leftover dimsum to my morning grits for some more flavor.
  2. Getting some quiet time in the afternoon with both kids asleep at the same time.
  3. Ordering Sagebooks with the holiday 20% discount.
  4. Thinking to ask my sister before signing up for a Hulu subscription.
  5. Finishing up nursing Mattie in time to go read a book with Nico for bedtime.
  6. Dan staying up long enough to move the baby laundry.
A year ago today.

Saturday, November 30, 2019


  1. Taking Nico to dim sum with my parents and sister.
  2. Catching up on some sleep myself after getting back.
  3. Relaxed afternoon with only one kiddo in the house.
  4. Remembering the leftover yakisoba I had made for a quick lunch.
  5. Nico having a fabulous time running around at Bell Works.
  6. My mom and sister coming by to help with giving Nico a haircut.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting another morning stretch of sleep when I hadn't expected it.
  2. Intentionally staying in pajamas all day.
  3. Finding all the remaining Murderbot Diaries novellas available as ebooks.
  4. Successfully transferring and swaddling a sleeping baby out of my arms so I could go to the bathroom.
  5. Mattie catching up on sleep finally.
  6. Having a good talk with Dan.
A year ago today.


  1. Not forgetting anything on this daytrip with using the packing list.
  2. Fitting in nursing practice before and after the trip.
  3. Coaxing at least one longer nap out.
  4. Realizing I only needed to do one pump.
  5. Getting home earlier than usual from a Holmdel daytrip.
  6. Dan handling the carsickness cleanup.
A year ago today.


  1. Big morning feed finally.
  2. Getting a midday nap in myself.
  3. KS coming over in time to pick up Nico from his school's early dismissal.
  4. Making it outside to go on a walk to Whole Foods.
  5. Unexpectedly getting another nap in the stroller on the way back.
  6. My parents being able to come by for the groceries on their way to the airport and saving Dan a trip.
A year ago today.


  1. Dan keeping up the labeling of Nico's lunch for school with a quite good garbage truck drawing.
  2. Running into some folks from the local moms dinner a few months back.
  3. Getting out to sit in the sunshine for a bit.
  4. Dan's dad dropping off some food.
  5. Reminding Dan to bring the tuition check for next month as he left to go pick up Nico.
  6. Finally getting a long evening stretch.
A year ago today.


  1. Going out for a walk to find a mailbox.
  2. Stopping in to the chocolate shop to check it out.
  3. Mattie staying asleep in the bassinet long enough for me to get some organizing done in the garage.
  4. Fitting all of the boxes into the recycling bin.
  5. Dan coming up to bail me out when my mom left but Mattie woke up unexpectedly.
  6. Dan finishing cooking my scallion pancakes for me.
A year ago today.


  1. Quiet morning with Dan and Nico doing their Sunday morning routine.
  2. Getting a bigger weighted feed in to reassure myself that not all the unweighted past feeds had been light ones.
  3. Watching Nico impressively in action with his map puzzles.
  4. Making scallion pancakes.
  5. Getting a notice from the app on my phone that garbage pickup for the week had changed.
  6. Deciding to forego getting more recycling out in favor of going to bed sooner instead.
A year ago today.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


  1. Feeling much better after the 3rd stretch of sleep in the morning.
  2. Making it to the farmers market with Mattie.
  3. Savoring a couple arepas at the end of the season.
  4. Dan being home to receive the scale when it was delivered.
  5. Eventually successfully pairing the Snoo app on my phone.
  6. Mattie finally getting a longer stretch of sleep in in the evening.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting a message from the midwife practice in time to go to the new birth center.
  2. Having the appointment with the midwife that delivered Mattie.
  3. Getting a table massage for the first time in months.
  4. Calling in time to find out that medical supply company would be closing next week so needed to order the scale in the next hour.
  5. Eventually successfully coaxing Mattie into an evening sleep stretch so that I can take a nap myself.
  6. Finishing watching The Crown season 3.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting Mattie through a sleep transition in the morning enough to get a decent additional stretch of sleep.
  2. Managing to assemble the roast chicken dish during an afternoon nap.
  3. Dan and Nico picking up groceries after school.
  4. Dan cleaning out the burned pan with the boiled celery trick.
  5. Dan making pasta fagioli so that Nico had lunch tomorrow.
  6. Watching more episodes of The Crown.
A year ago today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


  1. Being able to get up for the day after a later morning wakeup.
  2. Getting a lamb burger and za'atar fries for lunch.
  3. Walking along the Greenway while listening to a podcast.
  4. Successfully lulling Mattie back to sleep in the evening.
  5. Filling need for protein with the dairy-free meatballs Dan made.
  6. Finding that most of the random frozen meat was actually just chicken thighs, which made it easy to figure out a recipe to use with them.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


  1. Eventually coaxing a longer morning stretch of sleep out.
  2. Mattie contentedly hanging out by herself for awhile while I got ready for the day.
  3. Watching more episodes of The Crown.
  4. Successfully making it outside for a walk with Mattie in the bassinet, pumping session taken care of.
  5. Nico seeming to have handled the full day at school without any issues.
  6. Getting a stretch of sleep in before the final wakeup of the day.
A year ago today.


  1. Good nursing sessions throughout the day.
  2. Getting a solid afternoon nap from Mattie.
  3. Making up a batch of fried rice.
  4. Not too bad getting through Dan's first day back at work.
  5. Dropping off some of the pumpkin muffins from yesterday at the neighbor's house.
  6. Dan having the idea to friend our neighbor on Facebook so I could message her about the muffins.
A year ago today.

Monday, November 18, 2019


  1. Sleeping for 3 hours of Mattie's last 3.5 hour stretch of sleep overnight and getting to wake up on my own.
  2. Mattie getting proper naps in in the morning and afternoon rather than just 30 minute popups.
  3. Getting together enough stuff to order from The Container Store for free shipping.
  4. Gambling well and getting a pump in quickly, allowing for me to take an afternoon nap myself.
  5. Making pumpkin pie muffins with Nico finally.
  6. Picking up a couple toddler weaning chairs off of Facebook Marketplace from someone local.
A year ago today.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


  1. Dan and Nico picking up cough suppressant medicine for me.
  2. Swapping off with Dan on supervised tummy time nap to finally get a longer nap and get some stuff done.
  3. Nico voluntarily taking a nap during his quiet time.
  4. My dad bringing over lots of food that he asked my uncle to make for me.
  5. Finding a box that would fit inside the chest freezer.
  6. Dan's mom coming over for a long stretch in the afternoon/evening to help.
A year ago today.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


  1. Pump/lunch timing working out to read to Nico for a bit before his nap.
  2. Making za/jian\mian\ for lunch.
  3. Getting the window A/C units packed away and fitting them onto the shelves in the garage.
  4. Successfully lulling Mattie back to sleep during bathtime.
  5. Nico being into reading the Chinese "Where is Spot?" book with me.
  6. Holding back from eating all the yakisoba I made so as not to be completely stuffed.
A year ago today.

Friday, November 15, 2019


  1. Dan being able to get a bunch of errands done thanks to RC coming over.
  2. Washing my hair and flossing.
  3. RC cleaning kitchen floor.
  4. Mattie tolerating nursing practice despite getting tired quickly.
  5. Nico doing well with the full day trial run at school.
  6. Taking a late afternoon nap.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


  1. Mattie doing really well with the SNS throughout the day!
  2. Using foam strips from the A/Cs to plug the drafty kitchen window.
  3. Not taking too long to sterilize all the new accessories that arrived.
  4. Nico doing well with quiet time in the afternoon.
  5. Dan's mom coming over to help and letting Dan finish all his cooking.
  6. Catching a quick snooze on the couch after dinner and before Nico's bath.
A year ago today.


  1. Dan forgoing morning errands to come back and help me get a pump in before the appointment, so I didn't have to pump in the car.
  2. Pediatrician being totally happy with Mattie's weight gain.
  3. Easy time getting Mattie down for naps.
  4. Getting a nap in during the second half of Mattie's afternoon sleep stretch.
  5. Getting a bunch of computer errands done during the evening with Mattie sleeping.
  6. Successfully using the Lact-Aid twice, without too much mess.
A year ago today.

Monday, November 11, 2019


  1. Warm sunny day to walk downtown.
  2. Getting some nursing but also some demonstration of latch difficulties at the lactation consultant appointment.
  3. Managing skin-to-skin baby carrier nap and picking up probiotics from Whole Foods.
  4. Getting lunch in and all the necessary cleaning done during the first half of the afternoon.
  5. Mattie sleeping long enough in the same stretch for me to get a nap in myself.
  6. Nico dancing to the music playing on the Jooki.
A year ago today.


  1. Humidifier I had wanted to buy yesterday happening to drop $15 in price.
  2. Finally getting to scrubbing the tub.
  3. Getting several loads of laundry done.
  4. Mattie catching up on sleep with a whopper almost 5 hour stretch.
  5. Dan's mom coming over to hang out with Nico for a bit.
  6. Co-bathing going over pretty well.
A year ago today.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


  1. Nico having a great time at dim sum with my parents.
  2. Figuring out a nap setup for Nico with the popup playard.
  3. Dan picking up sunbutter cups and other snacks from Trader Joe's.
  4. Nico contentedly napping for my parents and playing with the toys at their place.
  5. Getting to rest a bit myself while having Mattie in the Baby K'Tan.
  6. Not too long to get everyone and everything squared away after getting home.
A year ago today.


  1. Continuing the streak of getting a successful nursing session in for the day.
  2. Finally getting the answers needed to finish benefits enrollment.
  3. Nico not having asked about the Jooki when I forgot to set it out.
  4. Nico going along with afternoon quiet time of independent play time in his room.
  5. My mom bringing lots of food over.
  6. Taking a shower and washing my hair.
A year ago today.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


  1. Getting back to sleep in the morning.
  2. Happening to see a post in the Facebook group for the Tokyo Olympics about new tickets being available.
  3. Scoring diving tickets finally!
  4. Settling the question of Mattie's godfather.
  5. Eventually getting a longer stretch of sleep out of Mattie in the evening.
  6. Getting some nursing in finally with at least some dream feeding at the end of the day.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


  1. Feeling a lot better after going back to sleep for another stretch in the morning.
  2. Dan getting home in time to help with the wake stretch.
  3. Getting stuff done on my computer while supervising a tummy time nap.
  4. Third day in a row of getting some successful nursing.
  5. Nico tolerating quiet time in his room well enough while I was with Mattie.
  6. KS coming over to hang out with Nico.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting Dan a full sleep cycle in by starting Nico's morning.
  2. Nico being into slicing his strawberries for breakfast, which we hadn't tried in a long while.
  3. Nico forgiving me for not taking him to school because Mattie woke up.
  4. Second day in a row of getting some successful nursing!
  5. Finally getting some real answers to help with benefits selection.
  6. Not as much effort as I thought to start gathering addresses for holiday cards.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


  1. Successfully getting back into my corporate account.
  2. Successfully holding Mattie off with some milk and lulling her back to sleep in the Baby K'Tan.
  3. Finding the Bose headphones that I thought I'd lost in the move!
  4. Sunny day out for walk downtown and back home
  5. Successfully nursing and transferring 1.5oz during the lactation consultant appointment.
  6. Getting a late afternoon nap in.
A year ago today.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


  1. Quiet morning to fully do finance review for last month.
  2. Going for a quick drive in the crisp fall weather to drop off my ballot and return a library book.
  3. Going through items I'd set aside from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale back in the summer.
  4. Taking a quick nap before dinner.
  5. Time change not seeming to have much of an effect on Nico.
  6. Getting a second successful nursing session in after all.
A year ago today.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


  1. Getting confirmation that the package made it to Austin just fine.
  2. Managing managing the wake/eat/pump cycle on my own pretty well throughout the day.
  3. Finding Helen Hoang's next book, The Bride Test, available from the library.
  4. Catching up with CH on the phone.
  5. Finally getting a long stretch of sleep from Mattie through the evening.
  6. Early dinner not having a significant impact in the end on Nico's evening routine.
A year ago today.


  1. Bringing my usual grits breakfast with me into the car.
  2. Getting a pump in at the beginning of the appointment.
  3. Dan taking care of making phone calls to figure out shipping.
  4. Finally getting the big poop from Mattie, and without blowing out onto her clothes.
  5. Getting the package together for CH.
  6. Mattie's wake timing working out for a very productive evening.
A year ago today.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


  1. Mattie's wake timing letting me be able to go to Nico's school's Halloween parade after all.
  2. Getting there in plenty of time with driving and waiting for other parents to arrive.
  3. Nico tolerating his costume long enough for the performance portion.
  4. Nico not asking for the rest of the cookies and candy after his nap.
  5. Taking a late afternoon nap.
  6. No trick-or-treaters coming by while Dan was out with Nico.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting 3+ hour stretches from Mattie overnight!
  2. Dan figuring out what may have been the problem last night with the dishwasher.
  3. Multiple excellent nursing sessions at home!
  4. Getting to go pick up Nico from school.
  5. Having time to take the scenic route home since he'd had lunch at school already.
  6. Breaking out the za/jian\ sauce from the freezer.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


  1. Dan coming back from school dropoff in time to help with the second half of the Mattie wake stretch.
  2. Keeping Mattie asleep in the carrier while I ate/read/snoozed.
  3. Nico eventually still taking his nap.
  4. KS bringing over Nico's Halloween costume and Nico consenting to trying it on.
  5. My mom bringing over groceries and making dinner.
  6. Getting the frittata made.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


  1. Holding Mattie off with an ounce before the lactation consultant visit.
  2. LC actually getting Mattie to latch for a good while and transferring some!
  3. Running errands around town with Mattie in the carrier.
  4. Convincing the librarian to let me pick up my library book despite not having my card on me.
  5. My mom coming over and helping out through the evening pump.
  6. Putting down The Secret Commonwealth and going to bed.
A year ago today.


  1. Reading Wayward Son.
  2. Getting in a morning nap for a change.
  3. Nico falling asleep quickly for his nap even with having his crib open.
  4. Managing a full Mattie wake stretch pretty well on my own.
  5. Dan supervising a Mattie tummy nap while watching football.
  6. Remembering to bring up sauce from the chest freezer downstairs to defrost.
A year ago today.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


  1. Mattie going back to sleep for a bit longer in the morning.
  2. My mom being here to take Mattie while I got the morning pump in.
  3. Getting an afternoon nap in.
  4. Nipple shields arriving on time.
  5. Going out with Nico for a walk to Whole Foods.
  6. Calmer evening with Mattie compared to the last few nights.
A year ago today.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


  1. Catching Dan with the tuition check before he went to go pick up Nico from school.
  2. Finishing mid-day pump before Mattie was up or Nico got home.
  3. Getting a pretty solid afternoon nap in.
  4. Just about finishing the afternoon pump before Mattie was up.
  5. KS coming over to hang out with Nico.
  6. RC helping out in the evening.
A year ago today.

Friday, October 25, 2019


  1. Taking a shower and washing my hair.
  2. Dan taking Mattie's mid-afternoon wakeup so I could still get a nap in.
  3. My mom coming over and taking care of dinner for the evening.
  4. Joining Nico and Dan in a walk.
  5. Nico's description of the motorcycle vrooming.
  6. My mom staying until my evening pump was taken care of.
A year ago today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


  1. Not having to go anywhere in the morning.
  2. Getting Mattie to sleep and getting a pump in before Nico got back from school.
  3. Having red duck curry with noodles for lunch.
  4. Still getting an afternoon nap in.
  5. Going outside for a lovely fall afternoon with Dan and Nico for a bit.
  6. My sister helping me wind a hank of yarn.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


  1. Getting home from the pediatrician pretty quickly.
  2. Fitting in lunch and a pump session before Nico got home.
  3. Still squeezing in an afternoon nap for myself.
  4. Nico taking a nap today.
  5. My mom and sister staying a bit longer so that I could get a pump session in.
  6. Successfully getting Mattie to fall back asleep a couple times in the evening.
A year ago today.


  1. The return of grits for breakfast.
  2. Therapist concluding that mouth healing was going well and everything was looser.
  3. Getting a good afternoon nap in for myself.
  4. My mom bringing over hotpot leftovers for me.
  5. Getting to check out the house across the street.
  6. Making noodles to go with red duck curry for dinner.
A year ago today.

Monday, October 21, 2019


  1. Some longer overnight stretches.
  2. My sister bringing over a bubble tea for me.
  3. Setting Mattie up for some more tummy time naps.
  4. Taking an early afternoon nap.
  5. Having some more successful latch practice!
  6. Making dumplings for a second dinner.
A year ago today.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


  1. Going out for dim sum.
  2. Nico reportedly napping just fine without us at my mom's house.
  3. Finding a side table I'd been eyeing for awhile at a much lower price at Home Depot, of all places.
  4. Getting Mattie to nap in the K'Tan for some skin-to-skin time.
  5. Starting watching the latest season of Peaky Blinders.
  6. Snoozing while lying back on the couch.
A year ago today.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


  1. Sleeping in past when Nico headed over to school.
  2. Dan's dad bringing food over.
  3. Getting some latch practice in.
  4. Taking a nap while Mattie napped and Dan had taken Nico out.
  5. Quiet, normal evening.
  6. Finishing folding laundry while pumping.
A year ago today.


  1. Waking up in time to pump and still head out before Nico was awake.
  2. Picking up breakfast from Panera.
  3. Feeling well-treated by Dr. Bahn.
  4. Getting back before Nico was down for his nap.
  5. Taking a nap.
  6. Doctor checking out bellybutton and jaundice and both being fine.
A year ago today.


  1. Making noodles to go with red duck curry.
  2. Taking a shower.
  3. Getting some dumplings in before we needed to head out again.
  4. Plan to have Nico have dinner at my parents' working out well.
  5. Not getting home too late.
  6. Sorting through baby clothes with Dan.
A year ago today.


  1. Lovely sunny day out.
  2. Walking over with RC to pick up Nico from school.
  3. Taking a solid afternoon nap.
  4. Getting an appointment for the tongue tie revision for Thursday!
  5. Getting a bodywork appointment for Wednesday evening.
  6. Taking Nico to the playground with my parents.
A year ago today.


  1. Morning feeding times working out for making it to 10am lactation consultant appointment.
  2. Finishing up in time to go pick up Nico from school.
  3. Getting a pump in while Nico was having lunch.
  4. Pediatrician not having concerns around jaundice or current weight.
  5. Having time and support to still take a nap before dinner.
  6. Getting time to read with Nico 1:1 at bedtime.
A year ago today.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


  1. Getting better stretches of sleep later in the morning thanks to Dan.
  2. Getting ahead on needed pump output.
  3. Finding where I had stashed the rest of the old pacifiers.
  4. Dan going to pick up groceries and some salt lamps I found on Facebook Marketplace.
  5. Taking a decent afternoon nap.
  6. Quiet evening to have a normal routine with Nico.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting some better sleep stretches to make up for the overnight.
  2. Hand expression becoming a little easier.
  3. My mom bringing over food.
  4. Dan's dad bringing by apple cider donuts.
  5. Getting to go home early.
  6. Nico cutely showing interest in the new arrival.
A year ago today.


  1. Making it into the hospital to deliver Mattie!
  2. Midwife on call was still GF.
  3. My mom bringing over food from home.
  4. Getting a good afternoon nap in while Mattie slept most of the day.
  5. Lactation consultant having an appointment available for Monday morning.
  6. Dan's mom staying with me overnight.
A year ago today.


  1. Making the rest of the dumplings and some wontons for myself for breakfast.
  2. Getting a load of laundry done.
  3. My mom coming over and cooking up a storm.
  4. Other family coming over to help take care of Nico.
  5. Falling asleep for short spurts as an afternoon nap.
  6. Being able to sit with Nico for his bedtime for a bit.
A year ago today.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


  1. Feeling well-rested enough to take Nico to school.
  2. Making dumplings for brunch.
  3. Rainbow shawl looking loads better after ripping back the bindoff and fitting another two rows of garter stitch in.
  4. Didn't take too long to finish up cooking the fried rice, so I could fit in an afternoon nap still.
  5. Getting invited over for a Chinese play date.
  6. Finding the tools to block the shawl without too much digging needed.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


  1. Getting up in time to make dumplings for myself before needing to go pick up Nico.
  2. RC stopping by and helping with lunch/diaper change/nap.
  3. Rain holding off again another afternoon so could go out.
  4. Family with friendly dog coming to the playground and letting Nico pet the dog.
  5. Nico being interested in reading the new Chinese books.
  6. Fitting boxes from the last few weeks into the recycling bin.
A year ago today.


  1. Timing working out well for dropping Nico off at school and getting to my appointment.
  2. Not too much hassle to get copies of Nico's records from pediatrician.
  3. Getting home with enough time to eat the remaining red duck curry.
  4. Taking an afternoon nap.
  5. Rain holding off so we could go out to a playground.
  6. Two friendly dogs for Nico to pet on the Greenway after the golden retriever left its yard.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting bagels.
  2. Nice morning at the park.
  3. Getting the rug pads for the two new runners set up.
  4. Taking an afternoon nap.
  5. Getting out to the park again in the afternoon and getting some knitting done.
  6. Persevering and staying despite some rain.
A year ago today.


  1. Plenty of parking in the garage.
  2. Making it to farmers market and town fair.
  3. Getting a crispy pastrami arepa and later a nutella croissant.
  4. Taking an afternoon nap.
  5. Being better dressed for weather at park than yesterday.
  6. Finishing going through to annotate all the Chinese books finally.
A year ago today.


  1. Sleeping in until past 9.
  2. Gorgeous fall day.
  3. Managing to get to the library and a mailbox before going to pick Nico up.
  4. Dan coming up from work for diaper changes.
  5. Dan bringing me a jacket.
  6. Being really happy with the designs and colors of the new rug runners from Block Shop Textiles.
A year ago today.

Friday, October 4, 2019


  1. Going back to sleep in the morning.
  2. My dad dropping off more food from my mom.
  3. Easier drive to pick Nico up from school compared to yesterday.
  4. Last Container Store parts arriving to finish jar organization.
  5. Having rice with red duck curry.
  6. Bedtime still going ok despite the weirdly late and long nap.
A year ago today.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


  1. Feeling steady enough to do the walk to school in the morning.
  2. Clearing out the fridge and cooking up vegetables.
  3. Driving to pick up Nico from school to avoid the heat.
  4. Successfully selling the second balance bike.
  5. Nico wanting to put away the plate into the dishwasher after we finished our Asian pear snack.
  6. Dan giving us a ride to go check out the downtown play space.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


  1. Dan taking care of the morning dropoff.
  2. Going back to bed for a couple hours.
  3. Managing the school pickup at least.
  4. Getting a full-length chair massage.
  5. Stopping by the library on the way home.
  6. My mom bringing food over.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 30, 2019


  1. Plum cake turning out better than I expected since the plums hadn't seemed fully ripe.
  2. Successfully ironing out the wrinkles in the wall laundry hamper basket.
  3. Dan giving me a ride to the midwife appointment.
  4. Stopping a Rite Aid on the way back and not having to go out separately later.
  5. Napping a bit after my early morning wakeup.
  6. Getting quick responses to requests for lawn maintenance quotes.
A year ago today.


  1. Succeeding at going back to sleep for a couple hours later in the morning.
  2. Making it to Oakland Park still.
  3. Dan picking up bagels for all of us.
  4. RC bringing over and assembling the diaper changing table.
  5. Finally meeting up with a local Chinese mom and her little boy.
  6. Nicely seared chicken skin on the olives & grapes chicken that Dan made for dinner.
A year ago today.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


  1. Dan having cash for me to use at the market.
  2. Arepas being available at the farmers market.
  3. Very helpful police officers at the car seat safety clinic.
  4. Rinsing out playard and drying in the sun being quite effective to get stains out.
  5. Going to Oakland Park for the afternoon.
  6. Going to bed early.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


  1. Another beautiful crisp fall day.
  2. Dan starting the load of baby laundry.
  3. Getting the charity donations and match out.
  4. Realizing I could deal with the credit cards to be canceled by sending messages through the portal rather than having to call.
  5. Dan picking up some chocolate-covered pretzels for me to snack on.
  6. Getting the pantry shelves organized with the new shelving, baskets, and OXO Pop containers.
A year ago today.

Friday, September 27, 2019


  1. Perfect amount of breakfast with leftovers from yesterday morning.
  2. Pulling together some avocado pesto pasta for Nico's lunch.
  3. Getting another excellent chair massage.
  4. Coming up with a new strategy for the billing sync change.
  5. Getting a set of the new Oxo Pop containers washed up.
  6. Catching up with CH.
A year ago today.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


  1. Back to crisp fall weather outside.
  2. Making myself a breakfast of leftover sausage, bread turned into croutons, eggs, salsa, and nectarines.
  3. OXO Pop containers arriving.
  4. Making it to yoga class.
  5. Getting home in time for bath still after dropping off rummage sale donations and running to the library.
  6. Watching an internet friend's appearance on Jeopardy thanks to DVR.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


  1. Falling back asleep until past 8 after being awake for awhile earlier.
  2. Organizing stuff for Mattie.
  3. Making large amount of za/jian\ noodles as a brunch.
  4. Pairing from the daybed.
  5. Figuring out why the tests were failing.
  6. Getting around to assembling the stuffed eggplant parm.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


  1. Moving the shelf with baskets from the dining room to our bedroom.
  2. Getting back from the hospital in time to make noodles for lunch.
  3. Finding 10% cashback for a follow up Container Store order.
  4. Fitting all the baby stuff into one load of laundry.
  5. Feeling much better after addressing my hangry.
  6. Cranberry orange bread from the farmers market still tasting quite fresh.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 23, 2019


  1. Getting bagels in the morning.
  2. A 4 year old at the playground sharing her chalk with Nico and not minding his drawing near her drawing.
  3. Taking a nap when Nico took a nap.
  4. Going to a dinner meetup of the local moms group and having a good time.
  5. Burrata pizza and flourless chocolate cake for dinner.
  6. Not too much work to replace the top drawer spring locks with magnetic ones instead.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


  1. Going to prenatal yoga.
  2. Chatting with some of the other women after class while waiting for Dan to drop off the van anyway.
  3. Having enough change left to buy nectarines at the farmers market.
  4. Taking an afternoon nap.
  5. Didn't need any new parts to fix kitchen drawer.
  6. Organizing snacks/pasta/cereal to go into the drawers.
A year ago today.


  1. Another lovely fall weather day.
  2. Making fried eggs with Swiss chard on toast for breakfast.
  3. Catching up with MW.
  4. Finishing the Learning to Learn Coursera class.
  5. Having some time to eat my late lunch/early dinner before the end of BS' day.
  6. Sorting out which bins of baby stuff to pull in from the garage.
A year ago today.

Friday, September 20, 2019


  1. Crisp sunny fall weather day.
  2. Making fried rice.
  3. Figuring out a position that works in a massage chair to get excellent pressure on shoulders/back.
  4. Getting home right on time for swapping the car.
  5. Burgers/onion rings/strawberry milkshake really hitting the spot for lunch.
  6. Starting to watch Good Omens.
A year ago today.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


  1. Dan handling the whole morning routine including diaper change.
  2. Farmers market nectarines having good flavor and texture.
  3. Finally getting to writing up a summary of work accomplishments.
  4. Making box mac & cheese with frozen peas/broccoli for lunch.
  5. Getting to prenatal yoga right on time.
  6. Sorting through Nico's clothes for size/season.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


  1. BS starting at the old time.
  2. Skyping working out for doula meeting instead of needing to reschedule.
  3. Working through the first half of the Learning to Learn Coursera course.
  4. Making oxtail with noodles and Swiss chard for lunch.
  5. Making mango lassi.
  6. Getting to organizing the garage a bit more.
A year ago today.


  1. BS coming a bit earlier than usual.
  2. Wrapping up this week's midwife appointment pretty quickly.
  3. Getting home in plenty of time for afternoon meetings after someone else joined the training in my spot.
  4. Having corn with butter and Cajun seasoning for lunch.
  5. Virtual Social Happy Hour with happyplace folks.
  6. Dan blowing up my yoga ball for me of his own volition.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 16, 2019


  1. Picking up a bagel for breakfast.
  2. Plenty of shade at Oakland park.
  3. Taking an afternoon nap.
  4. Going out to the park again.
  5. Breaking into the Sugar Baby watermelon from the farmers market.
  6. Finishing review of last month's finances.
A year ago today.


  1. Making it to prenatal yoga on time.
  2. Arepas being available at the farmers market.
  3. Having the grocery cart to pick up not one but two watermelons at the market.
  4. Dropping off books to donate for the library sale.
  5. Taking an afternoon nap myself.
  6. Getting the bulk of August's finance reconciliation done.
A year ago today.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


  1. Weather cooling off again.
  2. Letting the roomba do a full run while I made myself breakfast.
  3. New floss arriving just as I ran out of the last box.
  4. RC taking care of Nico in the afternoon.
  5. Ordering delivery for lunch/dinner.
  6. Dan going out for groceries.
A year ago today.

Friday, September 13, 2019


  1. Using some extra time in the morning to even up Nico's haircut.
  2. Making myself a breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs with the bell peppers Nico picked out from Whole Foods.
  3. Taking a quick nap.
  4. Getting help from RB on a support ticket.
  5. Nico doing a good job holding onto my hand as we walked through the parking lot and the restaurant.
  6. Nico's bedtime not being too delayed despite dinner being a bit late.
A year ago today.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


  1. My mom coming over right on time as we headed out to school.
  2. Remembering to make more rice for dinner.
  3. Finally getting around to giving Nico a haircut.
  4. Making it to prenatal yoga.
  5. Getting the flu shot.
  6. Replacement shelf supports from Ikea coming in the mail.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


  1. Nico playing contentedly and non-destructively by himself while I got dressed and installed some more cabinet drawer locks.
  2. Finishing rest of red duck curry.
  3. Getting childcare coverage for the rest of this week sorted out.
  4. Successfully figuring out how to set up the co-sleeper.
  5. Ordering delivery for dinner.
  6. Finishing ironing another curtain panel while watching movies on TV.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


  1. BS picking up a bagel for me when it seemed unlikely we'd get to the shop with Nico leading the way.
  2. Realizing that I'd left my wallet in the diaper bag.
  3. Recognizing someone from my prenatal yoga class at the La Leche League meeting.
  4. Having time to stop by the post office on the way home.
  5. Making it on time to my midwife appointment despite traffic.
  6. Getting home in time to eat something by myself before BS left for the day.
A year ago today.

Monday, September 9, 2019


  1. Driving to get a bagel.
  2. Nico having a fun time at the playground.
  3. Taking a two hour nap while Nico napped.
  4. Re-arranging the mats in the van to cover all the new areas.
  5. Dan's mom having a good time with Nico.
  6. Getting a good setup to iron curtains while watching Netflix.
A year ago today.


  1. Dan giving me a ride to Metropark.
  2. Checking out the Barnes collection finally.
  3. Catching up with EN/MB.
  4. Lovely weather, good view, good food at Parks on Tap.
  5. Getting dark chocolate and cardamom ice creams while we were at the mall.
  6. Dan dropping Nico and me off at the playground before going home to prep dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Landscaper pulling up just as I got home from school drop-off.
  2. Rain holding off for drop-off/pickup.
  3. Getting Nico changed/fed/sleep-sacked for Dan to take over the nap before I had to dial in to a meeting.
  4. Finishing up further revisions to the pull request.
  5. My mom making red duck curry and rabe for us.
  6. Pulling together my bag for the day trip tomorrow.
A year ago today.

Friday, September 6, 2019


  1. Cool temperatures finally.
  2. Making it to my threading appointment on time still.
  3. Walking over to the library while waiting for food.
  4. Picking up lunch from Phattra Thai.
  5. Landscapers finishing up half-way through the day.
  6. Fixing the tests just in time to open the pull request before it was time for dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Landscapers starting work on our front yard and really cleaning it up!
  2. Dan doing most of breakfast with Nico.
  3. Making it to school drop-off on time despite being a bit behind the schedule I had had in mind for the morning.
  4. Nico being totally chill about school.
  5. Getting helpful direction from BS about remaining tests to write.
  6. DM being on the same page about the interview.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting a threading appointment for this week before my day trip to Philly.
  2. Timing working out for childcare handoffs between BS and KS.
  3. Very efficient planning meeting.
  4. Getting a call back from the midwives group for rescheduling my appointment right before I was going to call them yet another time.
  5. Doing ok with the pig feet my mom had brought over.
  6. Getting on top of filing an expense report for the last couple of months.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting a bagel for breakfast.
  2. Perfect timing for how long we waited out the heavier rain at Whole Foods before coming back home.
  3. Finally succeeding at the Ikea shelf pickup I'd been trying to arrange for the last couple of months.
  4. Remembering to ask my sister to pick up a wall anchor kit from Ikea customer service.
  5. Dan's mom coming over and playing with Nico in his room while I worked on anchoring the new shelves to the wall.
  6. Having a dinner of leftover dim sum and roast duck that my sister had brought over.
A year ago today.


  1. Plans working out to go get dim sum at a nearby restaurant.
  2. My sister doing a Costco run for us.
  3. Perfectly comfortable weather out.
  4. Nico having a fabulous time on the big kid slides.
  5. Getting around to hanging up the new bathroom mirror.
  6. AG having picked out a good watermelon.
A year ago today.

Saturday, August 31, 2019


  1. Making it to prenatal yoga.
  2. Chatting with another mom after class for a bit.
  3. Having time to stop by the farmers market quickly on the way home.
  4. My sister and her friends being total troupers and building the shelves I got from Costco for the garage.
  5. Getting the garage to a manageably organized state!
  6. My mom being ok despite the car accident.
A year ago today.


  1. Waking up feeling better rested than in the last few days.
  2. Having time to fold the clean laundry.
  3. Doctor's office having the flu shot available.
  4. Nico handling the shot like a trouper.
  5. Getting back from the doctor earlier than I'd expected.
  6. Being able to schedule a prenatal consult with a new pediatrician pretty quickly.
A year ago today.

Friday, August 30, 2019


  1. Getting a prenatal lactation consult in with some good ideas to get started on.
  2. BS' branch being in a state where I could pick it up and contribute some test writing.
  3. Starting to work on book sorting and annotating the words in the Chinese books that I don't recognize.
  4. Dan finishing off the rest of the chicken salad.
  5. Remembering to move the laundry to the dryer.
  6. Going to bed on the early side.
A year ago today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


  1. Dan helping me with carting out the chunks of bad watermelon.
  2. Making dumplings for breakfast again.
  3. Dialing in to this week's podcast recording.
  4. Getting the finished photos from our family photo shoot of a couple months ago.
  5. My mom bringing over basil pork and luro.
  6. Nico successfully climbing out of the bath himself onto the stool we already have in the bathroom.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


  1. Nico sleeping in until 7:30.
  2. Organizing Nico's toys and the gated off area in his room finally.
  3. Making dumplings for breakfast.
  4. Realizing I should switch to another refactoring task to avoid rebasing hell.
  5. Finding my Costco card to be able to go an outing there by myself.
  6. Succeeding in loading my Costco purchases into the back of the van.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


  1. Remembering to make pasta for Nico's lunch.
  2. Doing some organizing while waiting for the water to boil.
  3. Getting out to run a few different errands before my first meeting.
  4. Dan taking the rest of my egg noodles when I wasn't into the texture.
  5. Not actually taking too long after all to put away the playpen and organize the new area a bit.
  6. Dan helping with vacuuming the now-cleared area.
A year ago today.

Monday, August 26, 2019


  1. Waking up feeling uncongested and much closer to normal.
  2. Nico playing contentedly in his room while I had another dumplings breakfast.
  3. Perfect unhumid mid-70s weather.
  4. Finding paved areas at a local for Nico to push his shopping cart around.
  5. Finally finishing the Oh Crap! book and starting on some other books I'd wanted to for awhile.
  6. Pretty chill Sunday overall.
A year ago today.


  1. Making dumplings for breakfast.
  2. Getting dressed instead of going back to bed.
  3. Pretty painless to start installing the cabinet locks.
  4. Making it to yoga for the first time in a couple weeks!
  5. Taking a nap in the afternoon myself as well.
  6. Dan's mom coming over to help with the afternoon and bedtime.
A year ago today.


  1. Folding and putting away clean laundry.
  2. Fitting in a quick shower.
  3. Red roast duck curry for lunch.
  4. Lots of family visiting.
  5. KS staying to help with bedtime.
  6. Going to bed on the early side.
A year ago today.

Friday, August 23, 2019


  1. Syncing with DM and getting clarity on what's in progress and what work should be next.
  2. Successfully refactoring a set of tests!
  3. RC having picked up some snacks from Trader Joe's for us.
  4. Nico being ok with the delayed start to dinner.
  5. Theraflu kicking in well.
  6. Successfully fixing the zipper on Nico's sleep sack.
A year ago today.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


  1. Nico sleeping in until 8, whoa!
  2. Nico doing just fine with being dropped off by himself at summer camp.
  3. Getting more clarity on the interview process.
  4. Finding that someone had already brought in the recycling/trash bins back to the house for me.
  5. My mom making roast duck curry for us.
  6. Dan coming home!
A year ago today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


  1. Nico sleeping in until 7:30.
  2. Having zucchini bread and peaches for breakfast.
  3. Making more noodles with my mom's sesame/tahini sauce.
  4. Canceling some of my meetings.
  5. Eating my dinner while watching TV on the couch again.
  6. Theraflu seeming to kick in better than the night before.
A year ago today.


  1. Going back to sleep after everyone headed out.
  2. Montessori school having a trucks bin.
  3. Arriving within the apparent 15 min grace period for my midwife appointment despite leaving home late.
  4. Picking up generic Theraflu at theWalgreens pharmacy attached to the hospital.
  5. Visiting Dan.
  6. Someone passing by offering to help me with pulling the recycling bin to the curb and chatting for a bit.
A year ago today.


  1. Nico letting me sleep in until 7:30.
  2. KS coming over to help by 8.
  3. RC rescuing me after the others left.
  4. Making zucchini bread with Nico.
  5. Having help the rest of the day.
  6. Catching up with finances for last month.
A year ago today.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


  1. Still going out for dim sum.
  2. One of the vendors helping me carry a watermelon back to the car.
  3. Getting all my errands done well before 3.
  4. Finding free parking.
  5. Bringing Dan some food for dinner.
  6. Others putting Nico to bed successfully.
A year ago today.


  1. Successfully figuring out how to add error checking to the branch on my own.
  2. Biking out to pick up more noodles for lunch.
  3. Making the decision to skip the library in order to get back in time for retro.
  4. My mom coming over to help.
  5. Managing the bedtime routine ok on my own.
  6. Taking time to shower before bed.
A year ago today.

Friday, August 16, 2019


  1. Managing the morning routine ok on my own.
  2. Getting less spicy pad kee mao with tofu for lunch.
  3. Dan finally getting discharged.
  4. Eventually succeeding in rebasing against master.
  5. Making eggs with tomato to go with rice for dinner.
  6. Finally putting up the shelf in the entryway.
A year ago today.


  1. Starting to see how to change our tests for Go.
  2. Taking a break in the afternoon after being on several hours' worth of meetings.
  3. KS being able to come over to help with Nico.
  4. Making it to the hospital to see Dan and bring him some stuff.
  5. KS successfully doing bedtime.
  6. Finishing reading and reviewing the rest of the talk proposals.
A year ago today.


  1. Nico playing contentedly in his playpen for a long time.
  2. Getting around to sorting through makeup collection to throw out old stuff and give all my brushes a good cleaning.
  3. Family stepping in to provide backup childcare coverage.
  4. 1:1s moving up to be bundled together.
  5. Getting pairing time in to revive our branch from last week.
  6. Not needing to stay up too late to pull together the conference tracks I'm curating.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


  1. Getting home pretty quickly with a Lyft.
  2. Remembering where I put the extra key.
  3. Taking the morning off to sleep instead.
  4. Showering and washing my hair.
  5. Cooking up the rest of the frozen dumplings.
  6. Second watermelon from last week still being good.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting myself to go back to sleep for a few more hours.
  2. Timed it well to be ready to go before 9 as planned.
  3. Not needing to check my luggage.
  4. Persevering in getting an acai bowl.
  5. Getting back to the spa with enough time before the massage.
  6. Cab ride to airport turning out to be $20.
A year ago today.


  1. Chorizo breakfast burrito.
  2. Making it out to Mono Lake with its pretty shrub landscape and tuffas.
  3. Turning back from the drive after starting to feel nauseated.
  4. Woke up from nap in time to check out a thrift store.
  5. Getting a peanut butter and banana smoothie.
  6. Fun dance music at AL's wedding.
A year ago today.


  1. Enough time to shower and make a tomato mayo sandwich before heading to the airport,
  2. Finding an outlet to charge my phone by the gate.
  3. Sleep and a new book keeping me occupied on flight.
  4. CP meeting me at the local airport.
  5. Showering travel smells off.
  6. Lava fudge cake and ice cream for dessert.
A year ago today.


  1. Not too difficult to saw up the carpet roll into pieces short enough to fit in the garbage can.
  2. Nico accepting a handoff back to my mom.
  3. More productive pairing with BS.
  4. Finding a UPS drop off box not that far from the library. 
  5. Choosing wisely not to try for an additional evening project.
  6. Sewing kit available to tack neckline of dress.
A year ago today.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


  1. Picking up plants for the planters in the bathroom.
  2. Stopping by the Asian Food Market to pick up sesame oil in a glass bottle.
  3. Pairing with BS on our project.
  4. Sticking around long enough for the yoga class instructor to arrive despite all the flooding and traffic.
  5. Dan fixing the seatbelt tangle in the car.
  6. Joint compound in the bathroom seeming to help smooth out the edges of the wall against the tub.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


  1. Paint patches looking not bad in daylight.
  2. Using joint compound for the areas next to the tub in the bathroom where tape is popping out.
  3. Dan being able to go out and pick up a replacement strawberry milk and milkshake.
  4. Figuring out the crashed process that was behind all the alerts I kept getting.
  5. Catching up with folks 1:1.
  6. Remembering to start a load of kiddo laundry before it was quite too late.
A year ago today.


  1. Successfully driving to and from my midwife appointment.
  2. Not actually having gained as much weight since the last appointment as I've felt like.
  3. Page during the middle of the appointment self-resolving.
  4. Not needing to stay online too late for a new incident.
  5. Making dumplings for dinner.
  6. Not taking too long to do a first coat of paint over the areas needing touchups.
A year ago today.


  1. Frying up shishito peppers for breakfast.
  2. Helping Dan and Nico make muffins together.
  3. Successfully driving over to Home Depot and Target during the day.
  4. Dan going out again to pick up puff pastry for me.
  5. Making the summer tomato/corn/squash galette for dinner.
  6. Indulging in barbecue kettle chips.
A year ago today.


  1. My mom coming over and taking Nico out for his inaugural session with a toddler grocery cart.
  2. Biking over to yoga and then to the farmers market afterwards making it more bearable in the heat.
  3. Picking up peaches and nectarines at the farmers market.
  4. Rain holding off so we could keep our scheduled family photo shoot time.
  5. Getting to the park on time.
  6. Talking some teenagers at the park into letting me use their bug spray on Nico.
A year ago today.


  1. Pairing with MB on fixing the problem behind a flapping alert.
  2. Making dumplings for myself for a bit of a brunch.
  3. Kudos to teammates going over well.
  4. Pretty quiet afternoon allowing for wrapping up the week a little early.
  5. Taking care of the Torrid store pickup.
  6. Getting dinner together before there was a hangry meltdown.
A year ago today.

Friday, August 2, 2019


  1. Getting my eyebrows threaded.
  2. Pretty quick to run the rest of my errands thanks to being on my bike.
  3. Also quick to give painting the wall a shot.
  4. Having a lot of watermelon throughout the day to combat thirst.
  5. Nice visit from my mom.
  6. Giving the toaster oven a really good scrub inside and out finally.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


  1. Successfully getting a couple screws to be embedded a bit deeper.
  2. Hopping on a recording for the podcast.
  3. Making it to prenatal yoga despite a potential incident popping up.
  4. Successfully making it to and from Home Depot.
  5. Having dumplings for dinner after getting home.
  6. Trying out the different paints we'd inherited in the house.
A year ago today.


  1. Being able to finish working on Dan's Vanguard account earlier than I had expected.
  2. Successfully navigating highway driving.
  3. Finally getting my second pair of frames properly adjusted to fit comfortably again.
  4. Picking up all the materials I needed at Lowe's.
  5. Getting the wall patch in place.
  6. Dan helping with vacuuming up all the drywall dust.
A year ago today.


  1. Not too much catchup to do from over the weekend for deploys.
  2. Good discussion with BS/DM on Go vs. Ruby.
  3. Lamb with rice going over well for Nico's dinner.
  4. Having rib tacos for myself later.
  5. Getting MB's advice on drywall patching.
  6. Putting together a comprehensive shopping list for Lowe's.
A year ago today.

Monday, July 29, 2019


  1. Quiet morning to myself.
  2. Hearing back quickly from the second plumber that I called.
  3. Plumber finishing up without disturbing Nico's nap.
  4. Dan being able to still do his intended cooking.
  5. RC coming over with VC for a successful play date.
  6. Re-reading First & Then.
A year ago today.


  1. Making it over to the farmers market still.
  2. My mom being in a good mood overall despite us being really late from traffic.
  3. Getting dim sum with my parents.
  4. Taking a quick nap myself.
  5. Holmdel Park's playground being covered in shade and therefore a comfortable temperature.
  6. Dan finishing all the errands in time to come hang out at the park for a bit too.
A year ago today.


  1. Clearing out a lot of the tools taking up space upstairs now that various hardware has been hung.
  2. Dropping off the deposit and forms needed for Montessori school.
  3. Making further good progress on unpacking my office.
  4. Just enough jambalaya left for Nico's dinner.
  5. Snagging the chocolate munchkins that Dan's mom had brought over.
  6. Making myself dumplings for dinner.
A year ago today.

Friday, July 26, 2019


  1. New garage door getting installed.
  2. KR coming over for co-working.
  3. Successfully driving over to The Kebab Factory for lunch.
  4. KR's afternoon meeting getting canceled so had time to swing by the pediatrician's office for picking up the form.
  5. Successfully hanging out the second set of curtains over the living room windows.
  6. Figuring out a way to ease the apparent slant in the curtain rods due to the ceiling not being level.
A year ago today.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


  1. Setting up my monitor and other peripherals finally.
  2. Having pulled pork sandwiches for lunch.
  3. Finishing going through the Ask a Clean Person book to take notes to bundle in with other books to return to the library.
  4. Biking over to the library helping make me right on time for yoga class.
  5. Much more comfortable temperature and humidity outside than in the last few days.
  6. Successfully hanging up curtains for the dining room window, including fixing a screw that seemed stuck going into a stud.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


  1. Making a big breakfast of tomatoes with butter and jam on toast and scrambled eggs.
  2. Enjoying the pork my mom had brought over last week with rice for a late lunch.
  3. Cooler weather helping make quick work of clearing out the front half of the garage.
  4. Fitting all the accumulated boxes into the recycling bin.
  5. Winning a game of Pandemic with Dan at the next harder level.
  6. Actually pretty doable to fit the rest of the DVDs I had unpacked into the new TV cabinet.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


  1. Dan giving me a ride to my appointment.
  2. Noticing that the train schedule was a bit off to catch it in time to stop by the pediatrician's on the way home.
  3. Getting home in time to cool off a bit and cut up watermelon before the planning meeting.
  4. Prospective doula running a bit late coinciding with planning meeting running a bit late.
  5. Enough broccoli rabe pasta for dinner for all of us.
  6. Getting some books unpacked that I hadn't seen in awhile.
A year ago today.

Monday, July 22, 2019


  1. Making sure to wrap the birthday present to be ready to leave on time.
  2. VC's birthday party having been moved indoors.
  3. Having time to go through recent boxes delivered.
  4. Nico enjoying playing with Dan's old Hess trucks.
  5. Another more normal, having fun with dumping water bathtime.
  6. Winning at Pandemic again.
A year ago today.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


  1. Figuring out a way to use the new molly bolts to grip the drywall securely.
  2. Finishing hanging up shelves in the bathroom!
  3. My mom coming over in time for Dan to give me a ride over to prenatal yoga.
  4. The farm we have a CSA with sticking around a bit after the farmers market unexpectedly closed early due to the heat.
  5. Back to a non-upset evening bath routine finally.
  6. Winning Pandemic with Dan.
A year ago today.


  1. Remembering to go do the Montessori school registration in time to get back for the podcast recording.
  2. Dan's leftover oyster crackers going into my corn chowder pretty well.
  3. Having a chance to connect with BS a bit.
  4. Making it to the open house at the township pool.
  5. Nico finding a toy truck to play with even if he still wasn't interested in the water.
  6. Getting home in time for pretty much the normal dinner time.
A year ago today.

Friday, July 19, 2019


  1. Cooking up the shishito peppers with eggs for breakfast.
  2. Getting lunch at The Kebab Factory with the town's restaurant week.
  3. Lightening my wallet a lot with using change for the bus ticket to New Brunswick.
  4. Having enough extra time to take shared Lyft rides instead.
  5. Coming up with a way to still mount the new toilet paper roll holder even though the first wall anchor lost its grip and made the hole in the drywall too big.
  6. Finally figuring out a good positioning for using the Elvie Trainer.
A year ago today.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


  1. Remembering to do the reading before book club meeting.
  2. My team not seeming to be offended by a question I'd been thinking about.
  3. Pinhole Press kindly extending a discount from the last couple days so I can snap up some board book credits to make at a later time.
  4. Getting to prenatal yoga on time.
  5. Chatting with a first-time mom from my prenatal yoga class and giving her some validation.
  6. The 1-2-3-dump strategy at bathtime seeming to help.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


  1. Hanging out with Nico a bit in the morning.
  2. Arriving to the lab a few minutes early.
  3. Getting in touch with some of the doula's references.
  4. Picking up more hollow wall anchors at Home Depot.
  5. Remembering there was sheets laundry to be moved.
  6. Eventually having a normal evening after the biggest meltdown thus far.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


  1. Having tomatoes and fresh basil on toast, along with a peach, for breakfast.
  2. Not taking too long to prep Nico for his nap.
  3. My mom coming over to watch Nico for the afternoon.
  4. Nico really enjoying the watermelon we shared as a dessert.
  5. Dan having the tip to apply the vaseline to the band-aid first.
  6. Moving the white bookshelf into my office with Dan, so that I could get the dining room and eventually my office more into the "final"ish layout.
A year ago today.

Monday, July 15, 2019


  1. Sleeping in until 10.
  2. Nico taking a solidly long nap.
  3. Meeting a potential doula for Mattie.
  4. My mom and aunt hanging out with Nico at the playground.
  5. Successfully installing the new towel bar at the right height and level.
  6. Succeeding at taking the old tower bar off the wall, thanks to internet instructions.
A year ago today.


  1. Making it to prenatal yoga.
  2. Stopping by the farmers market on the way home.
  3. Not taking too long to find the baggie of credit cards that contained my current Nordstrom card.
  4. Browsing The Container Store and finding several items that would work well that I hadn't seen online.
  5. Nico actually requesting to go back into the shopping cart seat and not doing a reprise of the Wegmans cart tantrum.
  6. Getting a burger at Shake Shack and an excellent black sesame frozen custard.
A year ago today.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


  1. BS catching the broken eggs before it seeped under the fridge.
  2. Two eggs surviving the egg carton drop.
  3. More practical exercises in the Go tutorial.
  4. Quenching thirst with remainder of most recent watermelon.
  5. Watching more Alias with Dan.
  6. Pretty quick to build the Pottery Barn shoe rack/bench that finally arrived.
A year ago today.

Friday, July 12, 2019


  1. Practicing Go in the tutorial.
  2. Making it to the train station in plenty of time.
  3. Trying out a bubble tea while waiting.
  4. Shuttle bus showing up on time this time.
  5. Realizing that I was looking at the wrong train schedule in time to change the destination for my Lyft home.
  6. Watching a couple more episodes of Alias with Dan.
A year ago today.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


  1. Waking up enough to take the phone call on settling the garage door estimate.
  2. Satisfying lunch with frying up eggs to go with Swiss chard, rice noodles, and leftover multigrain bread.
  3. Making it to prenatal yoga.
  4. The library being open until 9 so I could stop by after going to yoga.
  5. Much more successful toothbrushing with Nico by brushing my teeth at the same time with him.
  6. Accomplishing both house projects I had intended for the evening (labeling kitchen soap bottles and clearing out some space in my office where the bookshelf would go).
A year ago today.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


  1. Hanging up the clock for Nico's room.
  2. Getting to the dentist's on time.
  3. Getting complimented on my overalls while at Whole Foods.
  4. Picking up Rainier cherries again.
  5. Watermelon not hurting my teeth that were feeling sensitive from the cleaning.
  6. Watching some of Mulan on TV while doing physical therapy exercises.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


  1. Dan giving me a ride to Highland Park even though he didn't feel up for going on the tour himself.
  2. Sitting and observing a more formally Montessori classroom in action for a bit.
  3. Final garage door estimate going quite quickly.
  4. Going through various required trainings without taking too much time.
  5. Getting dinner ready in time before Dan and Nico got home from Costco.
  6. Clearing out paperwork.
A year ago today.

Monday, July 8, 2019


  1. Making it to the train station with a minute to spare.
  2. Pleasantly surprised that the Amtrak ride was very comfortable even in coach class, with power outlets and the row to myself.
  3. Excellent food at CH's baby shower.
  4. Amtrak getting back into NY Penn early enough for me to get home before bathtime.
  5. Dan and Nico picking me up from the train station.
  6. Rolling out the new living room carpet.
A year ago today.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


  1. Getting try out delicious arepas (especially the ropa vieja) at the farmers market.
  2. The tomato sandwich actually being quite good.
  3. Having time to stop at Home Depot before the movie.
  4. Moving a bit farther back from the 2nd row after the trailers were over.
  5. Dan doing Nico's bath during a tumultuous evening.
  6. Finally starting to hang shelves up in the upstairs bathroom.
A year ago today.


  1. Arranging to buy two Molger benches off of Facebook marketplace.
  2. Successfully navigating going on two buses.
  3. Seeing JG while he's in town apartment sitting.
  4. Dropping in to a Flying Tiger store right near SE's place.
  5. JG finding the new Metrocard that had fallen out of my pocket.
  6. Having ramps or elevators all the way through from Penn Station to home.
A year ago today.

Friday, July 5, 2019


  1. Getting to really sleep in and feel well-rested.
  2. Taking care of various cleaning and paperwork tasks during Nico's nap.
  3. My mom and Nico having a good time playing.
  4. Successfully hanging up the Dyson stick vacuum wall mount.
  5. Getting some sandpaper from my dad to be able to finally make the coin box toy.
  6. Firework sounds being muffled enough not to interfere with anyone's sleep.
A year ago today.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


  1. Nanny and KS both still coming by despite a feverish kiddo.
  2. Nico getting a good lunch with the nanny.
  3. Noticing the mold on the ramen before wasting a pot of boiling water on it.
  4. Successfully finishing up and testing a migration I needed to write.
  5. Nico's seeming to be back to normal in the evening, temperature and temperament both.
  6. Watching the next couple episodes of Alias.
A year ago today.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


  1. Waking up feeling more rested.
  2. Finding that there is an ATM within close walking distance, right by the Whole Foods.
  3. Noticing esquites on the menu to go along with fish tacos for lunch.
  4. Dan reminding me to get the ribs out of the oven.
  5. Getting Nico into bed early with his fever.
  6. Working together with Dan to break down the couch boxes and set them up for pickup.
A year ago today.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


  1. Dan reminding me about defrosting ribs.
  2. Not needing to rush in walking to the train station for getting back.
  3. Finding a shady spot to sit and work for a bit before the daycare tour.
  4. Picking up a bagel for lunch.
  5. Finding Rainier cherries at Whole Foods.
  6. Quenching my thirst with watermelon.
A year ago today.

Sunday, June 30, 2019


  1. Reading in bed thanks to a morning with no obligations at all.
  2. Getting a couple loads of laundry done.
  3. Finally getting to check out the township pool.
  4. Spending the rest of the afternoon in a fenced in playground area.
  5. Nico mimicking me in doing squats.
  6. Rewatching the pilot for Alias with Dan.
A year ago today.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


  1. Nico and I getting dim sum with my parents, sister, and Grandma.
  2. Taking an afternoon nap myself.
  3. Not taking too long for Dan to mow the front yard.
  4. My dad coming up with a way for us to turn off the lawnmower eventually despite the stop button having broken during the car ride home.
  5. Catching up with DH finally.
  6. Organizing living room furniture and clearing off the kitchen mantle.
A year ago today.


  1. Getting to physical therapy on time.
  2. Stopping by a massage place downtown.
  3. Picking up several books at once from the library.
  4. My sister helping me with adjusting the doors on my wardrobe.
  5. Unpacking my hanging clothes finally.
  6. Using the hole saw drill bits and setting up the new TV stand nicely.
A year ago today.


  1. Not taking too long to pack up the rest of our stuff in the morning.
  2. Hanging out on the rooftop patio while Nico chalked again.
  3. Hotel staff being kind about Nico's chalking when they came to powerwash the patio a bit.
  4. Nico not having had much of a snack turning out to be a blessing in disguise after all when he had too much water while in the car seat.
  5. A/C at home working pretty quickly.
  6. Relatively normal bedtime despite the late arrival and dinner at home.
A year ago today.


  1. Hanging out on the rooftop patio while Nico chalked.
  2. Cool enough in the shade to just walk over to the north side again.
  3. Enjoying having the whole Silver Clouds exhibit at the Andy Warhol museum to ourselves for a bit.
  4. Going back to the green smoothie place for more smoothies and a veggie bowl for lunch.
  5. Bringing Nico to the pool again for more splashing and water dumping.
  6. Dan picking up takeout for me from the Argentinian grill place.
A year ago today.


  1. Catching a feeding in one of the environments at the National Aviary.
  2. Getting a green smoothie for myself.
  3. Smoothie shop folks offering me some frozen yogurt for Nico, which he really enjoyed.
  4. Making it to the shops I wanted to check out.
  5. Finding a nice park to sit in the shade while Nico chalked and played with a new toy car.
  6. Getting a poke bowl and bringing it back to the hotel for dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Nico having a fabulous time in the Very Eric Carle exhibit at the Pittsburgh Children's Museum.
  2. Figuring out a setup in the hotel room to contain the lunch mess.
  3. Nico enjoying his second time at a pool due to being able to splash to his heart's content.
  4. Kids of Dan's coworkers being really nice to Nico.
  5. Staff at Korean restaurant nearby being really friendly.
  6. Venturing out to get excellent locally-made strawberry and chocolate ice creams.
A year ago today.


  1. Rooftop garden being a nice place for Nico to run around in.
  2. Finding coin laundry right in the hotel itself to use their dryer for the car seat.
  3. Going on a Target run.
  4. Finding a middle Eastern restaurant for lunch with some vegetables.
  5. Thoughtful and fun setup at the company picnic, with blankets spread out on the grass and toys set up.
  6. Having leftover tabbouli with crackers as a second dinner.
A year ago today.


  1. Doing one more load of laundry in the morning.
  2. Finishing up the rest of the spinach in the fridge with two green smoothies.
  3. Picking up a couple British tea towels at a yard sale.
  4. Fitting everything we needed into the non-SUV car.
  5. Squeezing in the back being worth it to try to extend Nico's nap a bit longer.
  6. Having a backup outfit in the diaper bag ready to go.
A year ago today.


  1. Leftover eggs from muffin making for me to fry up for breakfast.
  2. Good overview with a new candidate.
  3. Watermelon as a late afternoon snack.
  4. Planting the mint and basil my mom had brought over.
  5. Packing up leftovers to be frozen or brought with us.
  6. Getting my own packing mostly done.
A year ago today.

Friday, June 21, 2019


  1. Not actually being too difficult to align the doors on the Target cabinet.
  2. Remembering the popover pan as another muffin-shaped baking item available.
  3. Cobbling together a quick lunch with sunbutter toast and a green smoothie.
  4. Having thought to bring an umbrella with me.
  5. Making it to physical therapy on time despite the bus delay.
  6. The Facebook Marketplace pickup coincidentally rescheduling for later in the evening.
A year ago today.